Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who hides the charter from the new governor?
2. Who comes to the Woods' house to help with Mercy in Chapter 17?
3. Why does Hannah not want to leave her home at first even though Kit tells her of the angry crowd?
4. What author does Kit discover Nat enjoys reading?
5. How does Matthew react when he learns that Kit has been visiting Hannah?
Short Essay Questions
1. What does Prudence do and say in Kit's favor during her trial?
2. When Kit goes to the Dolphin to see Nat , what item does he ask her to take to Hannah and why can't he do it?
3. What charges are brought against Kit at her trial? What is the punishment for these charges?
4. After the trial, what realizations do William and Kit come to regarding their potential marriage?
5. What decisions does Governor Andros come to in Chapter 15 regarding land? What are the settlers' feelings about this?
6. How does Matthew feel when he hears that Andros is now governor of Connecticut?
7. How does Nat treat Kit when the Dolphin comes back to dock in the autumn and why does he do this?
8. How does Kit feel about fixing the roof with Nat?
9. Why do the townspeople come to arrest Kit and what "proof" do they claim to have to support their arrest?
10. What disturbance happens in Wethersfield on the night of All Hallows Eve?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
The role of women in the Colonies involved a lot of work. Please give some examples from the text that show the role of women. Compare and contrast the ways Kit adapts to this and her ability to do the work required to Judith and her ability.
Essay Topic 2
Please define conflict in the literary sense. Outline the main conflict in "The Witch at Blackbird Pond," and use at least three examples that support your view of what the main conflict is.
Essay Topic 3
Please explain the role that politics play in the story. What are the major political points brought up? Which characters hold strong political views? What views do they hold and why?
This section contains 854 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |