Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. In Chapter 7, what important responsibility has William recently been given?
2. How does Kit find the work of weeding the onion patch?
3. How does Kit feel about her first prayer meeting?
4. In Chapter 10, what does Kit tell Mr. Kimberly about the play-acting at the school?
5. What does William think that his new responsibility will enable him to do?
Short Essay Questions
1. How is the town of Saybrook described?
2. How is her relatives' house in the Colony different than Kit's house in Barbados?
3. How does Rachel respond when she learns that Kit is spending time with Hannah?
4. What is Matthew's opinion and fear about the coming of the new governor to the Colonies?
5. When the guests leave in Chapter 7, what do Mercy and Judith share with Kit and how does this make her feel?
6. How does Kit feel about being out in the sun as she heads to the Great Meadow?
7. On the journey up the river to Wethersfield, what observations does Kit make about some of her fellow passengers?
8. What special prayer does the revered make in the next prayer service and what is Kit's opinion of this?
9. How does Judith respond when Rachel suggests that she share her bed with Kit?
10. How does Kit's aunt receive her niece?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Please compare and contrast dating or courting in Kit's time with dating or courting today. How does Kit seem to enjoy the method of courting in her time? How would you feel about having to live by the courting rules of Colonial times?
Essay Topic 2
Please explain the process that Kit goes through in adapting to her new life in Wethersfield. Give a general overview of her adjustment to the life there, from her arrival to the final chapter in the novel. What are some ways Kit is successful in adjusting to Wethersfield? What are some ways Kit is unsuccessful or unwilling to adapt?
Essay Topic 3
Religion is mentioned throughout the novel. Please explain why religion is such an important topic throughout the novel and the effect it has on the story and its characters. Please use specific examples from the novel to support your argument.
This section contains 852 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |