The Witch of Blackbird Pond Test | Final Test - Medium

Elizabeth George Speare
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Witch of Blackbird Pond Test | Final Test - Medium

Elizabeth George Speare
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Prudence come to the courtroom to do?
(a) To do nothing but cry.
(b) To yell at her mother for being cruel.
(c) To testify on Kit's behalf.
(d) To encourage Kit with her presence.

2. Who is left out again from the corn-husking festivities?
(a) Kit.
(b) Matthew.
(c) Judith.
(d) Mercy.

3. What does William's response to Kit's trial make her realize?
(a) That she cannot depend on him.
(b) That she hates the sight of him.
(c) That she is completely in love with him.
(d) That she likes him enough to marry him.

4. Where does Prudence meet with Kit to learn to read?
(a) The Woods' house.
(b) The library.
(c) The Great Meadow.
(d) The Meeting House.

5. Whom does John tell Kit he is in love with?
(a) Judith.
(b) Mercy.
(c) Hannah.
(d) Kit.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who comes to visit Kit when she is locked away as a prisoner?

2. Who is there to comfort Judith when there is no news of John Holbrook's fate as a militiaman?

3. How does the first snowfall of winter affect Kit?

4. With the coming of winter, what is Kit's emotional state?

5. Why does Hannah not want to leave her home at first even though Kit tells her of the angry crowd?

Short Essay Questions

1. How do Kit and Nat help Hannah stay safe as the mob of angry townspeople come for her?

2. What decisions does Governor Andros come to in Chapter 15 regarding land? What are the settlers' feelings about this?

3. Why do the townspeople come to arrest Kit and what "proof" do they claim to have to support their arrest?

4. What does Prudence do and say in Kit's favor during her trial?

5. Why does Rachel give Kit a tart to take to Hannah?

6. How does Nat treat Kit when the Dolphin comes back to dock in the autumn and why does he do this?

7. After the trial, what realizations do William and Kit come to regarding their potential marriage?

8. When Kit goes to the Dolphin to see Nat , what item does he ask her to take to Hannah and why can't he do it?

9. While at Hannah's house delivering her gift from Nat, what does Kit notice about Prudence and what does she decide to do for the girl?

10. Where is Kit taken when she is arrested and who comes to visit her?

(see the answer keys)

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