The Witch of Blackbird Pond Test | Final Test - Easy

Elizabeth George Speare
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Witch of Blackbird Pond Test | Final Test - Easy

Elizabeth George Speare
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 11, what does Kit notice as John Holbrook reads aloud to the group in the Woods' house?
(a) How much she loves him.
(b) The loving way Mercy is looking at him.
(c) How handsome he is.
(d) The way that he and Judith seem to be meant for each other.

2. Who leads the party that has come to arrest Kit?
(a) Mr. Holbrook.
(b) William.
(c) Mr. Kimberley.
(d) Mrs. Cruff.

3. In response to the new governor, what are some of the colonists calling for?
(a) A week of fasting.
(b) A peaceful protest.
(c) A petition to be signed stating they do not want the governor.
(d) An armed rebellion.

4. Who comes to the Woods' house to help with Mercy in Chapter 17?
(a) Dr. Bulkeley.
(b) Hannah.
(c) The governor.
(d) John Holbrook.

5. What crimes is Kit charged with at her trial?
(a) Helping a witch escape.
(b) Playing make-believe with children.
(c) Bringing fever down on the children.
(d) Dealing with Satan.

6. How does the first snowfall of winter affect Kit?
(a) She is fascinated by it.
(b) It makes her angry that she lives in the snow.
(c) It makes her sad.
(d) She thinks it makes everything ugly.

7. How does Nat speak to Kit when the Dolphin returns to Wethersfield?
(a) He speaks to her in a loving manner.
(b) He speaks to her sarcastically.
(c) He is rather silly and joking.
(d) He is very friendly.

8. What does Nat insist on doing after dinner at Hannah's?
(a) Having dessert.
(b) Reading out loud.
(c) Walking Kit home.
(d) Playing a game of cards.

9. What happens to the young sailors when they are caught in town?
(a) They are asked to leave the town.
(b) They are congratulated for their good joke.
(c) They are put in the stocks.
(d) They are chastised and told to pray.

10. What rumor does Nat hear when he returns with the Dolphin to Wethersfield?
(a) That William has been branded a Quaker.
(b) That William has decided to move to England.
(c) That William is already married.
(d) That William plans on marrying Kit.

11. What "proof" about Kit is found at Hannah's house?
(a) Her notebook.
(b) Her Bible.
(c) Her picture.
(d) Her handkerchief.

12. What is Kit's response when William proposes?
(a) She says no right away.
(b) She says yes right away.
(c) She admits that she is still unsure
(d) She says nothing and runs away.

13. Why do the townspeople come to Matthew's door saying they are going to get Hannah?
(a) Because they think she is in league with the enemy.
(b) Because they need someone to pick on.
(c) Because they think she has caused the fever.
(d) Because they saw her being a witch.

14. Why do the townspeople want to arrest Kit?
(a) They are against all newcomers now.
(b) They know that she has helped Hannah escape.
(c) They think Hannah has left her to continue her work.
(d) They have decide they do not like people from Barbados.

15. How does Matthew react when he learns that Kit has been visiting Hannah?
(a) He is indifferent and does not really care.
(b) He is angry but eventually understands.
(c) He is happy that she has been visiting her.
(d) He is angry and forbids her from ever going again.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do they lock Kit when she is arrested?

2. Who is the thin, bedraggled man who suddenly shows up at the Woods' door one winter night?

3. Who hides the charter from the new governor?

4. Who comes into town with reports from the militia?

5. When the Dolphin is back in port, what does Nat bring back for Hannah?

(see the answer keys)

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