Wishtree Test | Final Test - Medium

Applegate, Katherine
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wishtree Test | Final Test - Medium

Applegate, Katherine
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what year did Maeve arrive in Red's neighborhood?
(a) 1901.
(b) 1862.
(c) 1848.
(d) 1832.

2. Red states that what element "has a way of focusing your attention" (80)?
(a) Impending death.
(b) Silence.
(c) Joy.
(d) Abject horror.

3. The two police officers Sandy and Max are described as having taken what action one week prior to Red's desecration?
(a) They rescued puppies.
(b) They rescued kittens.
(c) They put out a grease fire.
(d) They got a raccoon out of a chimney.

4. Before Stephen runs home the night Red speaks aloud, Stephen stops to express what sentiment to Red?
(a) His gratitude.
(b) His intention to return.
(c) His intention to record Red's voice.
(d) His amazement.

5. What implement is used to try to untie Samar's wish from the branch before a paper clip is used instead?
(a) A beak.
(b) A claw.
(c) A tail.
(d) A fang.

Short Answer Questions

1. By what time of day do the police arrive in Chapter 15 on the day when the lanky boy carves into Red's trunk?

2. What is a group of crows called, according to Bongo?

3. Francesca declares that which character has been trouble for as long as she can remember?

4. What happens to cause Stephen to run home after he and Samar hear Red speak aloud?

5. On what date did a young woman leave her baby in one of Red's hollows?

Short Essay Questions

1. How the does the theme of altruism appear within the scene when Red comes to terms with his possible imminent demise?

2. In what way did a small fraction of people react to Maeve's named wish?

3. How does Francesca's delivery of her announcement about Red differ from previous times when she has threatened to have Red cut down?

4. What finally acts as the impetus for Samar and Stephen's first real conversation?

5. Why does the first plan to help Samar find a friend fail?

6. What is Bongo and Red's first plan to help Samar find a friend?

7. In what way does the theme of acceptance arise within Red's reaction to his coming demise?

8. What name did Maeve give to the child she found in Red's hollow and why?

9. How does Red describe the "crow version of a smile" (113)?

10. Who was Squibbles?

(see the answer keys)

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