Wise Blood Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wise Blood Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Hazel do while waiting for the train to Melsy?
(a) He buys a new suit and hat
(b) He reads his Bible
(c) He thinks about his mother
(d) He has a milkshake at the 5c and 10c store

2. What is Asa Hawks pretending to be to draw more followers to his religion?
(a) Blind
(b) The new Jesus
(c) A devout Christian
(d) A kind and loving father

3. Which of the following is NOT a feature of the car Haze wants to buy?
(a) The horn doesn't work
(b) The front passenger seat is rotted out
(c) It has a piece of wood for the back seat
(d) The driver's side door is held on with rope

4. What two things did Hazel take with him when he went into the army?
(a) A pair of glasses and a letter from his grandfather
(b) A memento of his mother and a pen
(c) A Bible and a pair of glasses
(d) A Bible and a piece of silver jewelry

5. Which of Haze's physical features draws the Hawks girl to him?
(a) His clothing
(b) His lips
(c) His eyes
(d) His height

6. Which of the following is NOT a statement written on the boulder on the side of the road?
(a) Will hell swallow you up?
(b) Woe to the Blasphemer and Whoremonger!
(c) Jesus saves.
(d) Repent your sins to Jesus.

7. How much does Enoch tell the salesman he will give him for one of his products?
(a) $5.00
(b) $1.16
(c) 16c
(d) $1.50

8. How do Hazel's fellow soldiers react when he tells them he will not visit a brothel with them?
(a) They tell him he is soulless
(b) They tell him to stop judging them
(c) They ignore his religious banter
(d) They leave silently

9. Where does Hazel finally meet up with the blind preacher?
(a) At Mrs. Watts' house
(b) At a local church
(c) Outside of the library
(d) On the street near the street vendor

10. What does Haze challenge Asa Hawks to do?
(a) Begin his own religion
(b) Join the Church Without Christ
(c) Save Haze's soul
(d) Allow Haze to date his daughter

11. Who had Hazel dreamed of being like when he was a child?
(a) His brother
(b) His grandfather
(c) His church preacher
(d) His father

12. What does Hazel first notice when he gets off of the train at Taulkinham?
(a) The men's restroom
(b) The train station
(c) The bright signs
(d) A notice for Mrs. Watts' house

13. What town was Hazel Motes born and raised in?
(a) Eastrod, Mississippi
(b) Eastrod, Tennessee
(c) Taulkinham, Alabama
(d) Taulkinham, Tennessee

14. Why does Haze tell Sabbath Lily he must return quickly return to his car?
(a) He is afraid Sabbath Lily will steal his car
(b) He is afraid someone will steal his car
(c) He does not want to become physically intimate with Sabbath Lily
(d) He does not want to spend any more time with the girl

15. What is the only item Hazel wants to save from his family's home?
(a) A chifforobe
(b) The family Bible
(c) A car
(d) An antique table

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Sabbath Lily tell Haze happened to her mother?

2. Who interrupts Haze and Enoch as they are visiting the park museum?

3. What does Haze declare to both the waitress and the owl at the zoo?

4. What is Mrs. Watts wearing when Hazel arrives at her house?

5. How old does Sabbath Lily tell Haze she is?

(see the answer keys)

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