Wisdom Sits in Places: Landscape and Language Among the Western Apache Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Keith H. Basso
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wisdom Sits in Places: Landscape and Language Among the Western Apache Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Keith H. Basso
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Charles Henry think was disrespectful in Keith Basso?
(a) He didn't speak Apache.
(b) He wanted to learn Apache quickly.
(c) He thought he was better than him.
(d) He wanted to see secret places.

2. What does Keith Basso argue our sense of place is as natural as?
(a) Breathing.
(b) Culinary tastes.
(c) Love.
(d) Our love of freedom.

3. Who were the Apache hiding from, according to Keith?
(a) The Shenooks.
(b) The Iroquois.
(c) The Navajo.
(d) The Anasazis.

4. What does Basso say names of places tended to indicate?
(a) Wetter climates in early generations.
(b) A larger population.
(c) A smaller clan.
(d) A good imagination

5. What was Satre, according to Keith Basso?
(a) A modern philosopher.
(b) A modern author.
(c) A good ethnographer.
(d) A captivating anti-hero.

6. What subtle element does Keith Basso say would assert the sense of place?
(a) A friend.
(b) A memory.
(c) An absent smell.
(d) A green door.

7. Why did Charles Henry decide to stop working for Basso?
(a) He needed to drive cattle.
(b) He needed to make medicine.
(c) He needed to go on a retreat.
(d) He needed to make money.

8. What does Keith Basso say places are a part of?
(a) Maps.
(b) Society.
(c) The landscape.
(d) Us.

9. How many places did the three men travel, according to Chapter 1?
(a) 13 places.
(b) 12 places.
(c) 19 places.
(d) 17 places.

10. What is the first question asked in the "Preface"?
(a) Who are Apache?
(b) Why do we exist?
(c) What do people make of place?
(d) What do people live for?

11. How do the Apache see the past, according to Basso?
(a) As a river.
(b) As a woman.
(c) As a field.
(d) As a trail.

12. How does Basso say Apache see history as being?
(a) Long, personal, subjective, and variable.
(b) Episodic, personal, subjective, and variable.
(c) Episodic, personal, subjective, and invariable.
(d) Episodic, impersonal, subjective, and variable.

13. What does Keith Basso say were in short supply?
(a) Apache-English dictionnary.
(b) Ethnographers exploring cultural dimensions of places.
(c) Apache speaking elders.
(d) Older Apache.

14. What is the translation of the name of the place Basso and Charles Henry were at?
(a) Water Lies With Mud In An Open Container.
(b) Dead Old Woman Sleeping.
(c) River Going Down Between Valley.
(d) Small flowers Became Big.

15. Who founded the project that the chairman of the White Mountain Apache Tribe suggested to Keith Basso?
(a) The National Map Foundation.
(b) The National Science Foundation.
(c) The National Ethnology Foundation.
(d) The National Sociology Foundation.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the chairman of the White Mountain Apache Tribe determine it would be unwise to do?

2. What does Keith Basso say each chapter of the book would be centered on?

3. How long did Keith Basso's project take?

4. What does Basso say the maps looked like in mid-July?

5. What grants did Keith Basso receive to do his work in Indian country?

(see the answer keys)

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