The Winter's Tale Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Winter's Tale Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When the shepherd and Clown figure out who Autolycus really is, what does Autolycus want passed along to the prince?
(a) His regrets.
(b) His demands.
(c) His request for a position.
(d) His well wishes.

2. What name does Perdita call Florizel, before she knows he is a prince?
(a) Dorticles.
(b) Docesus.
(c) Doricles.
(d) Dominicus.

3. Who does Autolycus say robs him, when Clown asks?
(a) Autolycus describes Clown.
(b) Autolycus describes Florizel.
(c) Autolycus describes himself.
(d) Autolycus describes a different thief.

4. Who are Mopsa and Dorcas?
(a) Servants.
(b) Shepherdesses.
(c) Ladies maids.
(d) Messengers.

5. Polixenes asks Camillo to not mention Sicilia anymore because it reminds him of what?
(a) Hermione's daughter.
(b) Leontes.
(c) Mamillius.
(d) Hermione.

6. What does Clown find inside the bundle with the infant?
(a) Gold.
(b) Jewels.
(c) Diamonds.
(d) A letter.

7. What is one object that is with Perdita, that the shepherd has in a bundle, that proves Perdita is the daughter of Leontes?
(a) A medallion.
(b) Gold.
(c) A jewel.
(d) A blanket.

8. Polixenes thinks that to grant Camillo's wish to go home is what?
(a) An act of kindness.
(b) A death.
(c) Something he does not do.
(d) A good thing.

9. What does Time call Perdita?
(a) A noble daughter, lost.
(b) A wondering graceful maiden.
(c) A shepherd's daughter.
(d) A fair and beautiful maiden.

10. What does Camillo say that the shepherd has, when asked by Polixenes?
(a) A comic daughter.
(b) An unusual daughter.
(c) A beautiful daughter.
(d) A graceful daughter.

11. What theme does Act four, scene three introduce?
(a) Costumes and disguises.
(b) Patience and thieves.
(c) Loyalty and honor.
(d) Truth and justice.

12. What does Florizel tell Leontes is the reason that prevents his father from coming to visit?
(a) His wife.
(b) Worries about the kingdom.
(c) Sickness.
(d) Old age.

13. When Polixenes removes his disguise, what does he tell Perdita to do, or else she is condemned to a painful death?
(a) Never be near Florizel again.
(b) Leave the kingdom.
(c) Marry the king immediately.
(d) Marry someone else immediately.

14. What does Act four, scene two set up?
(a) The tone of the play.
(b) The following scenes.
(c) The comic relief.
(d) The climax.

15. What does Autolycus say, in an aside, happens to Florizel and Perdita on the ship?
(a) They get seasick.
(b) They go into hiding.
(c) They are sick from stress.
(d) They aren't listening to anyone.

Short Answer Questions

1. Leontes says that Florizel does not marry without what?

2. What is Autolycus' occupation before becoming a rogue?

3. What does Florizel say to reassure Perdita that she doesn't need to fear his father?

4. An old shepherd enters the scene, complaining that ______ chased away two of his sheep.

5. What is Autolycus doing when he first enters the play?

(see the answer keys)

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