Winter's Heart Test | Final Test - Hard

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Winter's Heart Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whom is Rand following when he is struck in the head?

2. What does Cadsuane ask of Rand?

3. For whom is the army that Elayne visits looking in Chapter 27?

4. What hints at the fact that Rand may be in the same city as Cadsuane?

5. What do Rand and Lan expect to find on Blue Carp Street?

Short Essay Questions

1. What agreement do Elayne and the commander of an army that is camped near Caemlyn make?

2. How is Mat preparing to leave the palace without Tylin noticing?

3. What do the Far Madding guards do to swords of visitors who wish entry into the city?

4. What does a Seeker of Truth want with Bethamin?

5. How does Mat save the Aes Sedai, Joline, from capture by the Seanchan?

6. Why does Rand tell Min to pack up her belongings?

7. Who betrays Rand and what does Rand do?

8. How Mat preparing to leave Ebou Dar?

9. Where is Rand after the assassination attempt and how is he rescued?

10. What has Birgitte been busy doing that Mellar reports?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

One of the prophesies about the Dragon Reborn is that Aes Sedai will swear loyalty to the Dragon Reborn, which happens in an earlier book, "Lord of Chaos". Rand hates being told what he needs to do by Aes Sedai who cite prophecy.

Discuss the following: Trace and analyze the occurrences of prophesy in "Winter's Heart". Many fantasy novels include some "prophesy" in their storyline. Why do you think this is? Do you think Rand knowing about the prophesies about him will help him? How could it hinder him? How does knowing prophesy in any book (or real life) perhaps make it become "self-fulfilling"?

Essay Topic 2

Elayne is one of the three women that Min saw in Rand's future, along with herself. The third is the Aiel woman, Aviendha.

Discuss the following: Why do you think Jordan has Rand romantically involved with three women? Does Rand's involvement with three women throughout the series add or subtract from the main story? Explain your reasoning. Do you think it is believable that the three women are willing to share Rand's affections? Why? Does it seem misogynistic of the author to have Rand involved with three women?

Essay Topic 3

Jordan treats the world of dreams as an actual world where what happens there can affect people when not in the dream world; for example, if one is killed in the dream world, they are dead in "real life."

Discuss one of the following:

1. Describe and analyze the wolf dream and what Perrin does in it.

2. Describe and analyze Tel'Aran'Rhiod (the dream world) and how it impacts the plot in "Winter's Heart". Why do you think Jordan includes the wolf dream and Tel'Aran'Rhiod in his Wheel of Time series?

(see the answer keys)

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