Winter's Heart Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Winter's Heart Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. In whose tent is Perrin when he wakes?

2. Who are Bain and Chad?

3. What does Perrin worry about when encountering the other army?

4. What is the price of healing?

5. What is Min's response to Elayne?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Rand get into Elayne's palace and why is he there?

2. What transpires between Mat and Juilin as he is leaving the barracks at the palace?

3. Who has taken over Ebou Dar and what are the conquerors like?

4. Why is Perrin in the wolf dream and what does he almost do that he regrets?

5. Describe the meeting among several of the Forsaken.

6. What do Elayne and Nynaeve discuss?

7. With whom has Perrin Aybara been meeting and how does he feel about what transpires in the beginning?

8. What makes Perrin Aybara think there is something wrong as he approaches his camp?

9. Where is Perrin when he wakes from the wolf dream and what does he need?

10. What does Harine ask of Cadsuane and what is her response?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The Seanchan are a people from across the seas who have returned as prophesied for the Last Battle. Rather than honoring women who can channel, they enslave them and consider them animals.

Discuss the following: Discuss and analyze the Seanchan attitude about men and women who can channel. What happens to men who can channel? Women who can channel? Do you think it is just for the Seanchan to enslave women who can channel? What is hypocritical about what the Seanchan do with women who can channel? Why are the Seanchan bent on conquering this continent?

Essay Topic 2

Whenever reading a science fiction or fantasy novel, one must become familiar with new terminology that explains concepts or ideas that are not a part of the "real" world. In the case of "Winter's Heart", much of the setting may seem familiar to the reader (i.e. there are woods, mountains, rivers, oceans, etc.), though there are new ideas and terms to learn.

Discuss the following:

1. Find five terms that are a part of the world of "Winter's Heart" that occur in the "real" world but are used differently in "Winter's Heart".

2. Define the words as used in in "Winter's Heart"'s world and compare those five words as to how they are currently used in the American English language.

3. There are ways of learning about a new world or time when reading a science fiction or fantasy novel. Discuss the ways you were able to understand the world of "Winter's Heart". Did you have to look up any words? What does it mean to learn a word through its context? Do you have to do that in "Winter's Heart"? What word(s)?

4. Were there any words you never really understood from "Winter's Heart"? Which ones?

Essay Topic 3

Jordan treats the world of dreams as an actual world where what happens there can affect people when not in the dream world; for example, if one is killed in the dream world, they are dead in "real life."

Discuss one of the following:

1. Describe and analyze the wolf dream and what Perrin does in it.

2. Describe and analyze Tel'Aran'Rhiod (the dream world) and how it impacts the plot in "Winter's Heart". Why do you think Jordan includes the wolf dream and Tel'Aran'Rhiod in his Wheel of Time series?

(see the answer keys)

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