Wintergirls Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Wintergirls Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To what are Lia and Cassie welcomed back after some time has passed in the fifth grade?
(a) The popular table in the cafeteria.
(b) The best seats at the little league games.
(c) Cheerleading.
(d) Nothing.

2. What does Lia think she sees when she wakes the next morning?
(a) Her skin turning iridescent.
(b) That her metabolism is slowing.
(c) Her eyes fading.
(d) Cassie standing by her bed.

3. What does Lia weigh when she goes into the hospital?
(a) 190 lbs.
(b) 80 lbs.
(c) 93 lbs.
(d) Normal weight for her height.

4. Why is Cassie ostracized in fifth grade?
(a) Her parents divorce.
(b) Her brother gets into trouble.
(c) She develops breasts before everyone else.
(d) Her mother is a drinker.

5. How does Cassie feel about her psychiatrist?
(a) Thinks he expects too much.
(b) Thinks she is wonderful but does not understand Cassie.
(c) Hates her.
(d) Indifferent.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Lia take Emma after school?

2. Why does Lia get detention?

3. What does Jennifer have that disproves Chloe's accusations?

4. What team members show up for a memorial for Cassie?

5. What does Lia feel like doing when she looks at Cassie in the coffin?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Lia act at mealtime to make it appear that she's eating more than she is?

2. What actions does the support group decide to make in order to honor Cassie, and what is Lia's response when her opinion is asked?

3. What does Lia do against the advice of her parents and what does Lia keep imagining?

4. What does Elijah tell Lia and why does she tell him her name is Emma?

5. Who calls Lia before she leaves for school after she has weighed herself?

6. How does Lia make it appear as though she has eaten when she is home that afternoon?

7. What does Chloe insist about Lia and what is Jennifer's proof otherwise?

8. Where is Lia at the opening of the novel and what is the news Jennifer announces?

9. What does Cassie say to Lia in the messages Cassie leaves on Lia's phone?

10. What news does Emma bring the next morning, and what is Lia's reaction?

(see the answer keys)

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