Wintergirls Test | Final Test - Easy

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Wintergirls Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lia say to Dr. Parker?
(a) Everything she feels and thinks and imagines.
(b) That she wants to see a different doctor.
(c) To go jump in a lake.
(d) That she is not ill.

2. Why does Lia get out of bed in the middle of the night?
(a) To run a few miles.
(b) To call a friend who has an eating disorder.
(c) To get a sleeping pill.
(d) To watch a show.

3. Why does Lia start sweating and her pulse races?
(a) The laxatives have kicked in.
(b) She is afraid of turning Emma away from her.
(c) She has taken some uppers.
(d) She has drunk several cups of coffee.

4. What does Lia volunteer to do at Emma's band concert?
(a) Take pictures of Emma.
(b) Sell tickets.
(c) Hold Emma's music.
(d) Work the bake sale.

5. How does Chloe know how Cassie died?
(a) Chloe witnessed the autopsy.
(b) Chloe performed the autopsy.
(c) Chloe read the autopsy report.
(d) Chloe asked the pathologist who performed the autopsy.

6. What does Lia do despite her stomach pain?
(a) 700 sit-ups.
(b) Takes another laxative.
(c) 500 crunches.
(d) A five-mile jog.

7. What happens as Lia's mother eats her breakfast?
(a) Lia and Chloe talk cordially.
(b) Lia and Chloe argue.
(c) Elijah calls Lia.
(d) Lia pretends to be eating.

8. Why does Chloe refuse to share anything about how Cassie died?
(a) Chloe can't because of her professional involvement.
(b) Chloe is afraid Lia will have a relapse.
(c) Chloe does not know anything about how Cassie died.
(d) Chloe is afraid it is too gruesome.

9. What startles Lia back to reality at the graveside?
(a) Elijah taking her shoulder.
(b) Chloe calling her name.
(c) A loud sound like a gunshot.
(d) A scream.

10. Why is Lia angry at her mother?
(a) That her mother is plotting for Lia to return to live with her.
(b) That her mother wants her institutionalized.
(c) That her mother believes Lia is irresponsible.
(d) That her mother is moving away.

11. Where does Lia find her mother?
(a) In her mother's bedroom.
(b) In the bathroom.
(c) In the basement.
(d) On the patio.

12. Why does Lia never follow through on her intention about talking to Elijah?
(a) She forgets.
(b) She decides he will never find out anyway.
(c) She thinks he will not like her.
(d) She does not have the courage.

13. What does Lia do after getting back to her room?
(a) Eats one nut.
(b) Gets on her computer and sends her mother an email.
(c) Calls her mother.
(d) Cuts three lines on her right hip to match those on her left.

14. Why would Chloe be more likely to catch Lia manipulating her weight numbers?
(a) Chloe would know the tricks as she had a similar problem when a teen.
(b) Chloe would stay near Lia all the time.
(c) Chloe is a doctor.
(d) Chloe would make Lia weigh naked.

15. Why does Lia try to hide at the funeral?
(a) She is afraid Cassie will find her.
(b) She does not want to talk to any of the other students.
(c) She does not want anyone to see her crying.
(d) She is not supposed to be there.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Lia think she may never see Elijah again?

2. What does Lia watch her father do absentmindedly?

3. What does Lia have to do for Chloe to tell her about Cassie's death?

4. Why does Lia wake in the middle of the night?

5. How does Lia feel about the moment with her mother at breakfast?

(see the answer keys)

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