Winesburg, Ohio Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Winesburg, Ohio Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long does the writer write for when he gets out of bed and starts writing?
(a) Two days.
(b) One day.
(c) Four hours.
(d) One hour.

2. How does the writer describe the "truths" he writes about?
(a) Grotesque.
(b) Beautiful.
(c) Secret.
(d) Painful.

3. According to the author, the story of Wing is the story of what?
(a) Small towns.
(b) Truths.
(c) Hands.
(d) Strangers.

4. What does the "half-witted boy" of Wing's school do at night?
(a) Draw on his walls.
(b) Imagine dreams as facts.
(c) Make prank phone calls.
(d) Plan a crime.

5. What does Alice do the night that it rains?
(a) She goes to bed early.
(b) She cries as she runs around the streets.
(c) She starts yelling frantically from her window.
(d) She runs outside, naked.

6. Where does Jesse take David to pray?
(a) By the river.
(b) Behind the farmhouse.
(c) In a cave.
(d) In the forest.

7. What does Elizabeth take out of a cloth bag that hangs on the wall by a nail?
(a) A knife.
(b) Money.
(c) Scissors.
(d) A locket.

8. What does Dr. Parcival tell George he is afraid of?
(a) Losing his mind.
(b) Ghosts.
(c) Being killed.
(d) Sick people.

9. How does the town feel about Joe and Sarah?
(a) They try to break them up.
(b) They are in awe of it.
(c) They are repelled by it.
(d) They are indifferent to it.

10. What happens during the spring after the tall, dark girl marries Dr. Reefy?
(a) The girl dies.
(b) The girl loses her money.
(c) The doctor leaves the girl.
(d) The girl gives birth.

11. How does Louise Bently describe her relationship with Jesse's farm?
(a) Worthless.
(b) Relaxing.
(c) Memorable.
(d) Toxic.

12. Who does Joe envy?
(a) George Willard.
(b) Dr. Parcival.
(c) Sarah King.
(d) Sylvester West.

13. Who says "I have a desire to make you admire me"?
(a) Albert Longworth.
(b) Dr. Parcival.
(c) Will Henderson.
(d) George Willard.

14. What does the writer think about as he lies in his bed?
(a) His shopping list.
(b) The people he knows.
(c) Having a baby.
(d) A way to quit smoking.

15. Why does Wing leave Pennsylvania?
(a) He is driven out of town.
(b) He gets a new job.
(c) He is bored of his life there.
(d) He meets a woman.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Elizabeth is a girl, how does she startle the people of Winesburg?

2. What is Dr. Reefy doing when the tall, dark girl comes to see him?

3. What does Dr. Reefy write on the scraps of paper he keeps in his pockets?

4. When does Dr. Parcival say he prays all night?

5. What does Dr. Parcival say his objective of coming to Winesburg is?

(see the answer keys)

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