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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. How did Morrison describe the land on the schoolyard? (Poem 2- "Drywater")
(a) Hidden.
(b) Mighty.
(c) Female.
(d) Unstoppable.
2. At the end of the second poem in the "Drywater" section, who was described as "winning"?
(a) The good guys.
(b) The teachers.
(c) The bad guys.
(d) The children.
3. In poem two, of the section "Jamaica", where are the Major's boots?
(a) Where he left them.
(b) By the sink.
(c) In the shed.
(d) By the highway.
4. How did Morrison describe the "couplings out in the night", in the fourth poem from the section titled "Jamaica"?
(a) Doubting.
(b) Coherent.
(c) Bewildered.
(d) Insane.
5. From the first poem in the section named "Jamaica", the hour of "what" ended?
(a) The flower.
(b) The wolf.
(c) The dog.
(d) The lion.
Short Answer Questions
1. What did Morrison describe "like a white funereal butterfly barge"? (Poem 5- "Jamaica")
2. What was the name of the whore-house in the last poem of the section titled "Jamaica"?
3. What kind of terror were "we" in by the hollow bush? (Poem 2- "Drywater")
4. What did Morrison call blessed, in the first poem in the section "Jamaica"?
5. What did Morrison compare the beak of the vulture to? (Poem 4-"Jamaica")
Short Essay Questions
1. Who did Morrison describe in the poem "Jamaica"?
2. In the fourth poem of the "Drywater" section, what did Morrison claim he was not?
3. In the first poem of the section titled "Drywater", how did Morrison describe the night?
4. What did Morrison say mated? ("Drywater")
5. In the poem from the section "Jamaica", what did Morrison describe was happening?
6. In the second poem of the "Village Tapes" section, Morrison claimed that pilots are a problem. Why?
7. In the fourth poem from the "Drywater" section, how did Morrison bring religious imagery into the poem?
8. In the poem "Science of Night", whom is Morrison addressing?
9. Why did Morrison claim that "I deserve this" at the end of the final poem from the "Drywater" section?
10. Morrison described the appearance of the the inhabitants of the island. How did Morrison describe the appearance of the men and women? ("Jamaica")
This section contains 799 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |