The Wild Duck Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wild Duck Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who chides Ekdal's son for what he says when his father leaves for home?
(a) Gabby.
(b) Gary.
(c) Werle.
(d) Gregers.

2. How long have Gina and Hjalmar been married when the book begins?
(a) 15 years.
(b) 17 years.
(c) 13 years.
(d) 11 years.

3. Gina asks Hedwig for help with what at the beginning of Act 3?
(a) Calming Old Ekdal.
(b) Nursing the duck.
(c) Cleaning the house.
(d) Getting lunch ready.

4. Who has had an affair with Ekdal's son's new wife?
(a) Gary.
(b) Ekdal.
(c) Gaywin.
(d) Werle.

5. What does Hjalmar spend his spare time doing?
(a) Writing.
(b) Reading.
(c) Drawing.
(d) Inventing.

Short Answer Questions

1. About what does Hjalmar caution Hedwig regarging the gun when he returns from the attic?

2. Why does Hedwig not go to school?

3. Hjalmar ask for a lot of what item on his sandwich?

4. How does Werle describe his wife at the end of her life?

5. Who reminds Hjalmar to get back to work when he becomes distracted in Act 3?

Short Essay Questions

1. What sickness does Relling say Gregers has?

2. What does Hjalmar say about Werle's letter regarding Ekdal's pension?

3. For what is Hjalmar looking when he comes home after his night of drinking, and why?

4. Where does Relling say Hjalmar is?

5. What history is shared by the servants about Old Ekdal?

6. How does Act 4 begin?

7. How does Gina say she and Hjalmar will get through the tragic death of Hedwig?

8. What does Werle offer Gregers while they are speaking in Hjalmar's house, and how does Werle respond to this offer?

9. With what does Werle compare the Ekdals when he talks about the bad business deal?

10. How does Gina say they have been able to survive on such a small income?

(see the answer keys)

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