The Wild Duck Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wild Duck Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Hjalmar was raised by whom?
(a) Two aunts.
(b) His grandparents.
(c) An orphanage
(d) His mother and sister.

2. What does Hjalmar eat while he is packing?
(a) Soup.
(b) Roast beef.
(c) Cake.
(d) Bread and butter.

3. What does Hjalmar tell Gina to do with the letter about the pension?
(a) Frame it.
(b) Burn it.
(c) Mail it back.
(d) File it.

4. What does Old Ekdal do when he hears that Hjalmar is not coming home?
(a) Shoots a rabbit.
(b) Closes himself in his room.
(c) Walks out of the house.
(d) Begins drinking.

5. What does Hjalmar say he wants to do to the wild duck at the beginning of Act 4?
(a) Set it free.
(b) Send it back to Werle.
(c) Wring its neck.
(d) Cook it.

6. What kind of life does Relling say Hjalmar is living?
(a) A haunted life.
(b) A big lie.
(c) A simple life.
(d) A desperate chase.

7. Why does Hjalmar say he has sent the message to Werle?
(a) He wants to feel proud.
(b) He needs to break free.
(c) He is living up to the Ideal.
(d) He wants to make things right.

8. With whom has Mrs. Sorby had a relationship?
(a) Relling.
(b) Werle.
(c) Molvik.
(d) Old Ekdal.

9. How does Gregers think Hjalmar will feel about knowing about the affair?
(a) Happy.
(b) Confused.
(c) Passive.
(d) Angry.

10. Hjalmar shouts at whom when Hedwig is pronounced dead?
(a) Gina.
(b) God.
(c) Relling.
(d) Ekdal.

11. Who does Relling plan to take with him after he hears that Mrs. Sorby is moving?
(a) Molvik.
(b) Gregers.
(c) Hjalmar.
(d) Werle.

12. What does Gina say has been supplementing their income?
(a) Handouts from Werle.
(b) Extra photography clients.
(c) Ekdal's work for Werle.
(d) Rabbits sold in the market place.

13. What does Hjalmar say he would not have done had he known about Gina's affair?
(a) Remain friends with Gregers.
(b) Marry her.
(c) Have a child with her.
(d) Be kind to Werle.

14. What does Gina tell Hjalmar to take with him when he goes?
(a) Ekdal's gun.
(b) His invention.
(c) The animals.
(d) Her wedding ring.

15. What does Gregers call himself at the end of the play?
(a) The bird dog.
(b) The thirteenth at the table.
(c) The wounded duck.
(d) The Ideal.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Gina say she had an affair with Werle?

2. What does Hjalmar order Gina to do when Mrs. Sorby leaves?

3. What does Hjalmar do the first time he sees Hedwig after his night of drinking?

4. What does Hjalmar say is justice for the wrongs Werle has committed?

5. Why does Gregers say Hjalmar has not come home the night before the beginning of Act 5?

(see the answer keys)

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