The Wild Duck Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wild Duck Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. About what do Gina and Hjalmar argue when Hjalmar comes home?
(a) That he has returned home so late.
(b) That he has brought nothing home from the party.
(c) How she is running the business.
(d) That she is not in bed yet.

2. What is Molvik's occupation?
(a) Doctor.
(b) Grocer.
(c) Poet.
(d) Artist.

3. How does Gina feel when Gregers comes to her house?
(a) Relieved.
(b) Annoyed.
(c) Happy.
(d) Surprised.

4. How does Hjalmar want to redeem his father?
(a) Prove his father's innocence.
(b) Make a grand invention.
(c) Write an epic novel.
(d) Put Werle behind bars.

5. Where does Gregers decide to stay when he comes back to town?
(a) In his father's house.
(b) In a small apartment.
(c) In the room Gina is renting.
(d) In a hotel.

6. Why does Werle plan to marry his housekeeper?
(a) She has a hidden fortune.
(b) His eyesight is failing.
(c) He loves her.
(d) She is a good friend.

7. Relling say Gregers is sick with what?
(a) Truth Envy.
(b) Integrity Fever.
(c) Guilty Conscience.
(d) Vindication.

8. Which of the following is NOT an animal kept in the house by Old Ekdal?
(a) Kittens.
(b) Birds.
(c) Rabbits.
(d) Ducks.

9. What is the name of Mr. Werle's son?
(a) Gregory.
(b) Gary.
(c) Gregers.
(d) Gawin.

10. What does Gregers promise not to do while speaking with someone at the beginning of Act 3?
(a) Annoy them.
(b) Make things difficult.
(c) Alarm them.
(d) Be distracting.

11. About what is Old Ekdal happy when he comes on stage at the beginning of Act 2?
(a) The amount of work he has.
(b) To see his granddaughter.
(c) Seeing his son earlier.
(d) Having a full stomach.

12. Where does Act 2 take place?
(a) Hjalmar's photography studio.
(b) Gina's room.
(c) A school house.
(d) Werle's house.

13. What kind of business does Ekdal's son run?
(a) Tailoring.
(b) Photography.
(c) Acting.
(d) Industrial.

14. What is happening in the house at the beginning of the play?
(a) A doctor's visit.
(b) A ball.
(c) A dinner party.
(d) A fight.

15. Why does Hedwig say the wounded duck is the most important thing in the back room?
(a) It is wild.
(b) It is in need.
(c) It is wounded.
(d) It is alone.

Short Answer Questions

1. To what does Werle compare the Ekdal family after his son gets angry with him?

2. What does Gina add to her grocery list at the beginning of Act 2?

3. What is the name of the Werle's housekeeper?

4. For what has Hjalmar invited his tenants to his house?

5. Who gives Hjalmar's son a wounded animal to nurse back to health?

(see the answer keys)

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