Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China Test | Final Test - Easy

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Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jung want to spend every spare moment doing while she is at the work farm?
(a) Eating.
(b) Sleeping.
(c) Reading.
(d) Talking.

2. What causes the Red Guard to hesitate in continuing their violent tactics?
(a) One of them was accidentally killed.
(b) One of the members commited suicide.
(c) Some of their parents were ashamed.
(d) Mao made a law with which they disagreed.

3. Why does the man at the teahouse not leave while it is being torn apart?
(a) His time at the teahouse is his only hour of peace.
(b) It is his teahouse; he has nowhere else to go.
(c) He is hoping to scare the young people with his serenity.
(d) He is holding his own sort of protest.

4. How are most of the young people feeling during the political unrest and the famine?
(a) Confused and concerned.
(b) Confident and strong.
(c) Brave and true,
(d) Defensive and suspicious.

5. Who is sent to bring De-hong home from Peking?
(a) Wang Yu.
(b) Jung Chang.
(c) General Xue.
(d) Yu-Fang.

6. Who allowed Mao's wife to gain so much power?
(a) Mao.
(b) Her father.
(c) The Tings.
(d) Her brother.

7. What was Mao's new idea about doctors?
(a) They need much more training than they are getting.
(b) They are spreading anti-Mao propaganda.
(c) They are of utmost importance in society.
(d) They do not need much training.

8. What allows Jung the power to challenge Mao in her mind for the first time?
(a) A statement from her favorite teacher.
(b) A revelatory dream.
(c) A poor speech by Mao.
(d) An article in Newsweek.

9. Why don't Er-hong's parents answer her questions about the political turmoil happening?
(a) They do not know what is really happening.
(b) They are trying to shelter her.
(c) They fear she would object to the truth and then be in trouble.
(d) They feel it is important for her to find the truth on her own.

10. What does Chang Shou-yu want to do as soon as his name is cleared of the un-Communistic claims against him?
(a) Work with the black market.
(b) Move his family out of China.
(c) Commit suicide.
(d) Join a Capitalist movement.

11. Why was De-hong allowed to leave prison for a short time?
(a) To sit with her mother in her dying moments.
(b) To care for Jung while she was sick.
(c) To help with the rice harvest.
(d) To testify in behalf of her husband.

12. What do the Chinese military leaders do in an effort to stop all the violence of the Red Guard and the other Maoist factions?
(a) Write peaceful articles in the newspaper.
(b) Punish severely those who are caught doing violent acts.
(c) Drop pamphlets from ths sky.
(d) Hold public prayer meetings.

13. Who helped Jung get back on the train on her trip home from Peking?
(a) Mao.
(b) Another Red Guard student.
(c) De-hong.
(d) A pickpocket.

14. What is Jung studying and anxious to practice on willing men while at the work farm?
(a) Aromatherapy.
(b) Massage.
(c) Herbal remedies.
(d) Acupuncture.

15. How does Jung feel about Mao's death?
(a) She is euphoric.
(b) She does not believe it is true.
(c) She is confused and conflicted.
(d) She is heartbroken.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many of De-hong's five children stay in China?

2. What is the name that Mao gave his group of young followers?

3. What does Jung briefly consider when she realizes her time in Peking was wasted?

4. Why does De-hong not want her husband to mail a letter to Mao voicing his concerns?

5. What does De-hong do to get Xiao-hong permission to come to Chengdu with her husband?

(see the answer keys)

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