Wild Justice Test | Final Test - Hard

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wild Justice Test | Final Test - Hard

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What motivates Peter to nurse Magda back to health after he tried to kill her?

2. According to Magda, what is Mossad's single minded goal?

3. What is the manner in which the decide to 'kill' her off?

4. What is waiting for Steven at the airport from Caliph?

5. What does Peter agree is the tool of Caliph's trade?

Short Essay Questions

1. Magda is given details by her Mossad controller that makes her believe that he is actually Caliph. What are they?

2. Steven's meeting with Peter at the hotel in Orly reveals that contrary to his initial reaction, they could easily trade places. What about this bothers Steven?

3. What does Inspector Richards reveal to Peter regarding his conversation with the Deputy Commissioner and what is his recommendation?

4. What ideals are at the root of Steven's commitment to Caliph? Why was Steven so eager to follow a man he hadn't met?

5. What is Cynthia's response after MJ's rescue?

6. Peter needs to ensure Magda's safety. How does he do that without putting himself at risk?

7. In his highly emotional state, he believes the worst about Magda is possible. What one factor above all others makes her identity as Caliph unlikely and why?

8. Peter and Magda are not together again for some time. When her call comes, what does she want, and how does Peter interpret her request.

9. Gilly is disturbed by some of the arrangements made by Caliph. What are they, and why do they make Gilly nervous?

10. Peter tells Magda everything he knows. Which parts are wrong?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Terrorism is a concern on the mind of everyone who travels. In this novel, the terrorists use an inventive method of getting weapons on board. How do they accomplish this? How do they combine their assets to distract airport security? Which of the four terrorists is best able to act as distraction and why?

Essay Topic 2

Peter suspects Magda of being Caliph on more than one occasion. What prompts him to have those suspicions? What events are attributed to her and why? Who fosters and fuels these suspicions and what do they hope to gain in the process?

Essay Topic 3

The main subject of this novel surrounds terrorist activities and the effects they play on a world wide scale. The position of Caliph is somewhat of a conundrum. How? What does the name actually translate to? How is it an indicator of who is behind the name?

(see the answer keys)

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