Wild Justice Test | Final Test - Medium

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wild Justice Test | Final Test - Medium

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What mistake does Magda believe Caliph made in his contact with Aaron?
(a) He left his finger prints.
(b) He leaves his wallet.
(c) Magda believes that Caliph revealed his identity to Aaron.
(d) He leaves a calling card.

2. Where will Steven and Peter switch places?
(a) On the plane.
(b) The Air Hotel of the Orly South Terminal.
(c) In the bar.
(d) In the restroom.

3. What does MJ reveal to Peter on the way to Abbots Yew?
(a) She is still sore.
(b) MJ reveals that a third man was involved.
(c) She is amnesiac.
(d) She is frightened.

4. What confirmation does Peter believe he gets on the beach after Magda leaves him to return to her guests?
(a) He learns he was bugged.
(b) He learns they were watched by one of Magda's bodyguards.
(c) He learns he was a patsy.
(d) He discovers his calling.

5. What kind of boat does Magda take Peter out on his second day on her island?
(a) A forty five foot Chris-craft Fisherman.
(b) A fifty foot cabin cruiser.
(c) A twenty five foot schooner.
(d) A thirty foot Catamaran.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of Magda's holiday island chain off Tahiti?

2. Where does Peter go after he is cleared in her death?

3. Who did the President of the United States select as special negotiator to find a solution to the disputed territories in the Middle East?

4. What was Dr. Jameson's real name?

5. What decision does Peter make in order to ensure Magda's safety?

Short Essay Questions

1. Peter receives several warnings that Magda has doubts about him. What are those warnings and how does he respond?

2. Caliph's choice of meeting places disturbs Peter. Why?

3. What is Cynthia's response after MJ's rescue?

4. When Peter and Magda are struggling on the deck, Magda gives in. Why?

5. Peter has a plan to bring Caliph down. How is Steven going to help him to flush Caliph out into the open?

6. What concerns does the 'doctor' have about MJ and what is her condition?

7. What does Gilly do to minimize their risk of capture?

8. When Peter sees Magda next, they both see something different in each other. What is it and how do they give themselves away?

9. Once Peter and Magda have both told their sides of the story, they have made declarations and Magda has relinquished something important. What are the declarations and what has Magda relinquished?

10. Magda is given details by her Mossad controller that makes her believe that he is actually Caliph. What are they?

(see the answer keys)

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