Wild Justice Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wild Justice Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the Inspector that handles Melissa-Jane's kidnapping?
(a) Inspector Richard Alans.
(b) Inspector Ricky Atlas.
(c) Inspector Archie Richmond.
(d) Inspector Alan Richards.

2. How do the South Africans want to respond?
(a) They want to negotiate.
(b) They want to ignore the incident entirely.
(c) They want to storm the plane.
(d) They want to blow up the plane and all on board.

3. What does Ingrid remind Karen of to help calm her down?
(a) In just a few hours, they will detonate the explosives.
(b) In just a few hours, they'll be rich.
(c) In just a few hours they'll take their pills.
(d) In just a few hours, they'll have media exposure.

4. What does Ingrid do to show those in power that they are serious?
(a) Kills the flight engineer.
(b) Kills all the flight staff.
(c) Shoots four passengers.
(d) Kills all the children.

5. Why does Altmann object to this option?
(a) She doesn't believe it will work.
(b) She doesn't want to lose Peter.
(c) She is fearful for herself.
(d) She doesn't want to spend the money.

6. Who does Peter meet there?
(a) His daughter.
(b) His priest.
(c) The President.
(d) Baroness Magda Altmann.

7. Who is Peter's second in command?
(a) Colonel Cyril Watkins.
(b) Lieutenant Colin Noble.
(c) Lieutenant Colin Neville.
(d) Colonel Colin Noble

8. What job offer does he accept?
(a) Head of Atlas.
(b) Airline security staff.
(c) Altmann's sales representative and Caliph hunter.
(d) Terrorism consultant.

9. Who begs Ingrid not to use the explosives on board when condition Delta is initiated?
(a) Kurt.
(b) Caliph.
(c) Henri.
(d) Karen.

10. What trade do the kidnappers offer for Melissa-Jane's life?
(a) Dr. Kingston Parker's life.
(b) Magda's life.
(c) Colin's life.
(d) Peter's life.

11. What happens when Ingrid calls out seat 43F?
(a) The passenger feints.
(b) The one chosen collapses.
(c) A man across the aisle offers to take her place.
(d) The passenger screams.

12. As Peter listens to Ingrid at their first face-to-face meeting, what conclusion does he draw?
(a) She is a heretic.
(b) She is a fanatic.
(c) She is a lunatic.
(d) She is insane.

13. What surprising fact does Peter learn about Baron Altmann?
(a) That he hired a hit man.
(b) That he was divorcing Magda.
(c) That he was a Mossad agent.
(d) That he was fooling around on Magda.

14. What does Peter believe does not exist contrary to Dr. Kingston's feelings?
(a) Perfect response times.
(b) The perfect crime.
(c) Justifiable terrorism actions.
(d) Morally justifiable militancy.

15. How is Peter tricked into stopping the car?
(a) Police pull him over.
(b) A woman flags him down.
(c) An accident site blocking the road.
(d) A truck stops in front of him.

Short Answer Questions

1. What motivates the Baroness to find Caliph?

2. What does Peter do to Ingrid after she is in custody?

3. What is an indication of Peter and Colin's military status?

4. Which objects did the Seychelles Police Force ignore when the two young couples go through security at the Victoria airport in Mahe?

5. Who is the Captain of Speedbird 070?

(see the answer keys)

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