Wide Sargasso Sea Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wide Sargasso Sea Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who narrates most of Part Two?
(a) Mr. Mason.
(b) Antionette's husband.
(c) Antoinette.
(d) Christophine.

2. What is the name of the estate where the cottage is located?
(a) Granbois.
(b) Grace Poole.
(c) It is not named.
(d) Lowood.

3. How does Antoinette's husband feel things will look in the sun?
(a) Romantic.
(b) Frightening.
(c) Vivid.
(d) Different.

4. How much money is paid to Antoinette's husband from Antoinette's inheritance?
(a) None.
(b) Fifty thousand dollars.
(c) The reader does not know.
(d) Thirty thousand pounds.

5. Who came to stare at the couple when they arrived from Jamaica?
(a) The servants.
(b) Three little boys.
(c) Two women.
(d) Caroline.

6. Who is the first new character the reader meets in Part Two?
(a) Amelie.
(b) James.
(c) Jo Jo.
(d) Baptiste.

7. Who does Antoinette's husband decide to visit concerning the letter he received?
(a) The letter's author.
(b) The chief magistrate.
(c) A priest.
(d) His lawyer.

8. Who are waiting for Antoinette and her husband when the arrive at their honeymoon cottage?
(a) A group of negores.
(b) Visitors from Jamaica.
(c) Their neighbors.
(d) Servants dressed in new uniforms.

9. How many children does Christophine have?
(a) Twin boys.
(b) Three.
(c) A son and a daughter.
(d) One son.

10. What does Antoinette mock her husband about on their way to the cottage?
(a) How cold he is.
(b) England.
(c) How silly he looks.
(d) His British mannerisms.

11. Why does Antoinette visit her beloved former servant in Part Two?
(a) She wants the servant's help to leave the Island.
(b) She wants the servant to work for her again.
(c) She believes the servant can give her an obeah love potion.
(d) She hears the servant is very ill.

12. What does Antoinette's husband dream happens to him after he drinks the wine Antoinette gave him?
(a) He is back in England.
(b) He is buried alive.
(c) His father is calling to him.
(d) He is lost in the woods.

13. What is the weather like when the couple arrive on the island?
(a) Raining and hot.
(b) Windy with the threat of a hurricane.
(c) Sunny with a cool, refreshing breeze.
(d) The sun is blazing and it is extremely hot.

14. What is Antoinette's husband's first impression of the cottage?
(a) It is ugly.
(b) It is beautiful.
(c) It needs repair.
(d) It is awkward and sad.

15. How do Antoinette and her husband get to the cottage?
(a) In a private carriage.
(b) They walk.
(c) By stagecoach.
(d) On horseback.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Antoinette's husband feel his first morning at the island?

2. Why doesn't Antoinette's husband like the her name "Antoinette"?

3. What does the author of the letter want Antoinette's husband to do?

4. What does Antoinette's husband see his wife do that upsets him?

5. What does Antoinette's husband question Amelie about?

(see the answer keys)

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