Wide Sargasso Sea Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wide Sargasso Sea Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Antoinette resent the nuns' cheerful faces?
(a) They are mocking her.
(b) She believes they are safe.
(c) They are only nice when visitors are there.
(d) She is forced to stay with them.

2. How does Antoinette feel when Mr. Mason tells her about their visitor(s)?
(a) Frightened.
(b) Dismay.
(c) Excited.
(d) Uncertain.

3. What does Antoinette call her step-father one night?
(a) White pappy.
(b) Mr. Mason.
(c) Papa.
(d) Father.

4. What does Antoinette remember her mother wearing as Part One ends?
(a) Her mended riding habit.
(b) Her soft nightgown.
(c) A red flower in her hair.
(d) Her wedding dress.

5. Where does Christophine go to live?
(a) With her son.
(b) With Mr. Mason.
(c) To Trinidad.
(d) Back to Coulibri.

6. How does Antoinette feel on her first day at school?
(a) She is excited.
(b) She is frightened.
(c) She is angry.
(d) She is sad and cries.

7. What is Antoinette's favorite picture?
(a) A portrait of her father and mother.
(b) "The Dancer".
(c) "The Miller's Daughter".
(d) A portrait of her with her brother.

8. What is the fate of Coulibri Estate?
(a) It is burned down by a mob of angry former slaves.
(b) It is abandoned and falls into ruin.
(c) It is where the family lives for many years.
(d) It is given to the former slaves as compensation.

9. What is a glacis?
(a) A large covered porch.
(b) A look-out tower attached to a large manion.
(c) The French word for a glass.
(d) A large fan used to keep the house cool.

10. Who rescues Antoinette from being harassed and taunted by a mean boy and girl near the end of Part One?
(a) Aunt Cora.
(b) Alexander.
(c) Sandi.
(d) Sass.

11. What does the nun give Antoinette after wakes up from her dream?
(a) A soothing bath.
(b) A shot of rum.
(c) A chocolate drink.
(d) A stern lecture.

12. What does Antoinette recognize about her mother when she first goes to visit her after moving from Coulibri Estate?
(a) Her hair and dress.
(b) The perfume she wears.
(c) Her beautiful smile.
(d) Her eyes.

13. What does Mr. Mason say the servants can smell?
(a) The rum on his wife's breath.
(b) Money.
(c) The hurricane winds as they approach the island.
(d) The new flowers in the garden.

14. Who goes with Antoinette to visit her mother?
(a) Mr. Mason.
(b) Myra.
(c) Sandi.
(d) Christophine.

15. Immediately following Antoinette's description of her dream, what does the nun tell Antoinette to do after they have talked?
(a) Stay awake for the rest of the night.
(b) Go back to bed.
(c) Think happy thoughts.
(d) Pray.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Mr. Mason want to hire as servants?

2. What kind of food do the Mason's eat?

3. How does Antoinette feel in her dream?

4. Who is invited to spend the winter with Mr. Mason?

5. What type of stories are read to the school girls when they do their needle work?

(see the answer keys)

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