I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Bailey do for Joyce?
(a) steals food for her
(b) teaches her to write
(c) teaches her about boys
(d) teaches her to read

2. What do the blacks ask in regard to the whites and judgment?
(a) How bad is it going to be?
(b) Will rich blacks be included?
(c) Will the poor get to see the judgment?
(d) When is it going to happen?

3. What does Maya decide to do after Mr. Freedman is stopped?
(a) become a prostitute
(b) run away
(c) go to college
(d) never speak to anyone again

4. How old is Maya when she goes to work for Mrs. Cullinan?
(a) eight
(b) twelve
(c) ten
(d) fourteen

5. How does Maya see living in St. Louis?
(a) as calm and peaceful
(b) as sad and lonely
(c) like being in a foreign country
(d) as exciting

6. Who becomes Maya's first girlfriend?
(a) Millie Hanks
(b) Louise Kendricks
(c) Susie Turner
(d) Ruth Potter

7. What does Maya hear all night when Uncle Willie is hiding?
(a) his whimpering
(b) the minister preaching
(c) blacks singing
(d) people running and yelling outside

8. Where, according to the author, can childhood questions be answered?
(a) by their parents
(b) in the town in which the child grew up
(c) by their mother
(d) by reading about childhood

9. What convinces Maya as she is leaving that Mrs. Cullinan now knows her name?
(a) She sends a letter to Mrs. Cullinan.
(b) Glory tells Mrs. Cullinan.
(c) She leaves it written on the table.
(d) Mrs. Cullinan screams at her.

10. What does the young Maya think about white people?
(a) They are dumb.
(b) They are ungodly.
(c) They cannot be human.
(d) They smell funny.

11. Where does Maya say a person's values and opinions are formed?
(a) on the job
(b) in school
(c) in church
(d) where the person grew up

12. How are the cotton pickers in the first chapter paid?
(a) by the weight of cotton they pick
(b) by the hour
(c) with food
(d) by a company store credit

13. What do Maya and her best friend call the language that they create?
(a) Tut
(b) Ameriring
(c) Lou
(d) Ugh

14. How does Bailey feel about the neighbors questions?
(a) bored
(b) resentful
(c) he enjoys the spotlight
(d) anxious

15. What makes Maya proud to be black for the first time?
(a) Mrs. Flowers
(b) Graduating from school
(c) Martin Luther King, Jr.
(d) Her Momma's store

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Maya want to go back to Stamps?

2. Why do Maya and Bailey dislike the Reverend Thomas?

3. What does Bailey do in his hideaway?

4. Why have many black children never seen a white person in Stamps?

5. Where do the children go when they leave Stamps?

(see the answer keys)

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