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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. When Mahatma Gandhi and his followers had faced the guns of the British Empire in India with nonviolence how many people did they free from colonialism?
2. What room number in the Gaston Motel did the planning committees meet in?
3. As a first step of the meetings with the white Senior Citizens Committee, some of the merchants agreed to remove what?
4. MLK mentions that the nation could not have been more amazed if what type of machines had turned human and stalked the lands?
5. According to MLK in "The Sword That Heals," a southern state police officer is rarely punished for what?
Short Essay Questions
1. In the introduction of Why We Can't Wait, MLK mentions that he sees a young Negro boy. Describe the setting that MLK describes for this boy.
2. What phrase did Fred Shuttlesworth use to describe Albert Boutwell and why?
3. What were the invitational periods at the mass meetings for?
4. What would happen if a volunteer did not pass the strict test for service as a demonstrator?
5. What did Marcus Garvey propose to the Negro race, and why was his plan doomed according to MLK?
6. What happened soon after the Supreme Court had handed down a decree calling for desegregation of schools that discouraged MLK?
7. What kind of doctrine did the Negro ministers preach to their congregations about the fight for racial justice?
8. For years, why did the white segregationists say that the Negro was "satisfied"?
9. How does MLK describe what it would be like to be a Negro baby born and brought up in Birmingham?
10. What happened to the United States senator who was visiting Birmingham to deliver a speech and walked through a door marked "Colored"?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Why do you think MLK begins the book the way he does? Does that help the reader "dive into" the full meaning? What do you think the purpose of telling us about the Negro boy and girl? What kinds of feelings do these "characters" evoke in the reader? Do you think there was any other effective way of beginning the book? If so, what other ideas do you have for an introduction? Do you think the introduction was perfect in creating the intended mood?
Essay Topic 2
Who is your favorite person in the book? Why did this person appeal to you? What characteristics did you like about this person? Were there any characteristics you didn't like about this person? Why? What does this person add to the book, and how does this person relate to the events and to MLK? How would the events have changed if this person did not exist? Would anything remain the same if this person was absent? Why or why not?
Essay Topic 3
In this book there are times when the reader can learn interesting facts about things that they might not have known previously. What things in the book are educational, and what new things did you learn? Was there anything you learned that you had never heard of? If so, what was it? Were there particular things that you had heard of but learned about in more detail? If so, what things were they?
This section contains 1,011 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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