Why We Can't Wait Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Why We Can't Wait Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. One of Thomas Jefferson's servants worked for some forty years to earn ten thousand dollars. How many people was she able to obtain liberation for?
(a) Nineteen.
(b) Fifteen.
(c) Eleven.
(d) Ten.

2. President Kennedy once said something to MLK in the White House about not being too harsh on the judgment of someone. Who was the person that President Kennedy was speaking about?
(a) Alexander Hamilton.
(b) Bull Connor.
(c) Abraham Lincoln.
(d) Thomas Jefferson.

3. In "The Summer of Our Discontent," MLK states that our nation was born how?
(a) In genocide.
(b) In acceptance.
(c) In violence.
(d) In anger.

4. What does MLK state in his letter is the basic reason that he is in Birmingham?
(a) Because someone asked him to come.
(b) Because he could get a lot of exposure if he came to Birmingham.
(c) Because there is injustice in Birmingham.
(d) Because his wife wanted him to go.

5. MLK states that he has yet to engage in a direct-action campaign that was what?
(a) Easy to endure.
(b) Not needed.
(c) Well timed.
(d) Effective.

Short Answer Questions

1. When six youngsters showed up to volunteer, where did Andy Young send them?

2. What kind of pace does MLK say they are taking to gain a cup of coffee at a lunch counter?

3. MLK states that the Revolution is genuine because it was born from the same womb that always gives birth to massive social upheavals. The womb of intolerable conditions and unendurable what?

4. What day did the newspapers show pictures of woman on the ground with policemen bending over them with raised clubs and children being faced by dogs?

5. When the police ran out of paddy wagons to bring people in to the jail, what other two vehicles did they end up using to transport people?

Short Essay Questions

1. When MLK is discussing the difference between a revolt and a revolution, what does he state a revolt is?

2. What is the relevant question that MLK mentions that must be asked to atone for the injustices the Negro has faced in the past?

3. In what case does MLK mention that it wouldn't profit a Negro parent to send his or her child to an integrated school?

4. Why does MLK state that "we were all involved with" John F. Kennedy's death?

5. What did MLK wonder about the media writers when they accused the campaign officials of "using" their children "in this fashion"?

6. What did MLK and the S.C.L.C. officers want to do to bring a new dynamic to the campaign that would receive criticism?

7. What did scientific observers place in the sealed death chambers where poison gas was to be administered to the victims of capital punishment?

8. What did approximately 125 business leaders see when they left for lunch during the May 7th Senior Citizens Committee meeting?

9. What does MLK say is the difference between just laws and unjust laws?

10. What were the two reasons that MLK accepted bond to come out of jail in the beginning of "Black and White Together"?

(see the answer keys)

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