Why We Can't Wait Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Why We Can't Wait Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. MLK proposes in "The Days To Come" that just like the GI Bill of Rights was awarded to war veterans, then what should be awarded to "our veterans of the long siege of denial"?
(a) A Bill of Rights for the Underprivileged.
(b) A Bill of Rights for the Negro.
(c) A Bill of Rights for the Disadvantaged.
(d) A Bill of Rights for the Destitute.

2. When the young Negro started to ask someone to save him in the room filling with poisonous gas, why does MLK state that that person would care if the young Negro died?
(a) Because he created all men as equals.
(b) Because he was a figure of civil rights.
(c) Because he was a Negro as well.
(d) Because he freed the slaves long ago.

3. What does MLK quote St. Augustine as saying about an unjust law?
(a) That "an unjust law should only follow by those who make it."
(b) That "an unjust law is still a law."
(c) That "an unjust law should be followed by law even if we don't like it."
(d) That "an unjust law is no law at all."

4. When six youngsters showed up to volunteer, where did Andy Young send them?
(a) To the lunch counters.
(b) To the schools.
(c) To the library.
(d) To city hall.

5. When the police ran out of paddy wagons to bring people in to the jail, what other two vehicles did they end up using to transport people?
(a) Sheriff's cars and school buses.
(b) Taxis and school buses.
(c) Taxis and pick-up trucks.
(d) Sheriff's cars and pick-up trucks.

6. Who said, "Here I stand; I cannot do otherwise, so help me God"?
(a) Abraham Lincoln.
(b) Thomas Jefferson.
(c) Paul.
(d) Martin Luther.

7. What is the name of the person whose doctrine is "no man is an island"?
(a) Jesse Jackson.
(b) Bull Connor.
(c) Canon John Donne.
(d) Martin Luther King, Jr.

8. Who was the prominent lawyer that had to leave the state after he delivered a speech after the Sunday school bombing?
(a) Roy Wilkins.
(b) James Farmer.
(c) Charles Morgan.
(d) John Lewis.

9. MLK talks about one of the most poignant replies to a question. It came from a girl who was not more than eight that answered a police officer's question of "what do you want?" with what reply?
(a) "To be like you."
(b) "A house."
(c) "The same as you."
(d) "F'eedom."

10. A day was set as "D" day, when students would go to jail in historical numbers. What day was "D" day?
(a) May 4th.
(b) May 3rd.
(c) May 2nd.
(d) May 1st.

11. In "The Summer of Our Discontent," MLK states that our nation was born how?
(a) In acceptance.
(b) In violence.
(c) In genocide.
(d) In anger.

12. Whose descendants showed up with banners saying, "Order Before Justice"?
(a) Anton Chekhov.
(b) Thomas Hardy.
(c) Sidney Lanier.
(d) Victor Hugo.

13. What kind of acceptance does MLK say is more bewildering than outright rejection?
(a) Hidden.
(b) Lukewarm.
(c) Undecided.
(d) Various.

14. President Kennedy once said something to MLK in the White House about not being too harsh on the judgment of someone. Who was the person that President Kennedy was speaking about?
(a) Thomas Jefferson.
(b) Alexander Hamilton.
(c) Bull Connor.
(d) Abraham Lincoln.

15. When MLK writes a letter to his fellow clergymen, he tells them that he heard they have called his activities what?
(a) Honorable and wise.
(b) Unwise and untimely.
(c) Selfish and Ugly.
(d) Desirable and praiseworthy.

Short Answer Questions

1. What city was the night-club comic performing in when he joked that if the demonstrators had been served, they wouldn't have been able to pay for their meals?

2. In his letter, MLK states that he has heard the word "Wait!" for years and that this word "Wait!" has always meant what?

3. MLK tells the clergymen in his letter that anyone who lives where can never be considered an outsider?"

4. MLK describes having to tell his six-year-old daughter something with stammered speech. What is it he's talking about having to tell "your" six-year-old daughter?

5. MLK talks of people wondering "what the Negro will expect as he gains rights" and he likens the Negro people demanding more to what person?

(see the answer keys)

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