Why We Can't Wait Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Why We Can't Wait Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who did Clarence Jones tell MLK had raised fifty thousand dollars for bail bonds?
(a) Orzell Billingsley.
(b) Wyatt Walker.
(c) Harry Belafonte.
(d) Arthur Shores.

2. MLK states that "Undeniably, the Negro had been an object of sympathy and wore" what type of scars?
(a) Scars of deep grievances.
(b) Scars of a failed past.
(c) Scars of terrible skeletons in the closet.
(d) Scars of a remorseful upbringing.

3. At the beginning of 1963, how many negro students were attending integrated schools?
(a) 10 per cent.
(b) 9 per cent.
(c) 13 per cent.
(d) 4 per cent.

4. What did the city commissioners, including Bull Connor, refuse to do after the results of the run-off vote?
(a) Embrace the newly elected Mayor.
(b) Congratulate the winner.
(c) Acknowledge the people that voted for them.
(d) Move out of their City Hall offices.

5. What does MLK say are the teachers for human beings?
(a) Time and action.
(b) Success and discovery.
(c) Imagination and humbleness.
(d) Defeat and social movement.

6. In the days of slavery what does MLK say kept the Negro captive?
(a) Physical force.
(b) The need to stay.
(c) Family.
(d) Chains and rope.

7. What was one of the most important parts of the mass meetings according to MLK?
(a) The freedom songs.
(b) The education of the volunteers.
(c) The recognition of leaders.
(d) The togetherness of the Negro community.

8. The Negro Revolution is described as generating quietly just like what?
(a) An ocean wave.
(b) An earthquake.
(c) A river.
(d) Lightning.

9. How many cities are mentioned to be in civil turmoil in the beginning of "The Negro Revolution-Why 1963"?
(a) Almost one thousand.
(b) Almost two hundred.
(c) Almost three hundred and fifty.
(d) Almost one thousand five hundred.

10. MLK and his groups decided to limit the first few days' efforts of the campaign to what?
(a) Making signs.
(b) Sit-ins.
(c) Picketing.
(d) Getting the groups more educated.

11. In "The Sword That Heals," what does MLK mention was no longer a disgrace, but a badge of honor?
(a) Being seen as different.
(b) Businesses seperating areas for blacks and white.
(c) A Negro going to jail.
(d) Being called names on the street.

12. After the first three days of the lunch counter sit-ins, how many arrests had there been?
(a) 35.
(b) 20.
(c) 30.
(d) 25.

13. In "The Negro Revolution-Why 1963," MLK states that the Negro protesters were advised to call off their efforts and put all their energy into what?
(a) Finding a job.
(b) Cleaning the streets.
(c) Registering voters.
(d) Collecting evidence of integration.

14. As a first step of the meetings with the white Senior Citizens Committee, some of the merchants agreed to remove what?
(a) The Bull Conner signs from their stores.
(b) The food and drinks that the Negro community didn't like.
(c) Signs with only white people on them.
(d) The jim-crow signs from their stores.

15. Nonviolent "soldiers" burnished their greatest weapons which consisted of their heart, their conscience, their courage and what other thing?
(a) Their desire to be a whole nation.
(b) Their sense of justice.
(c) Their devotion to family.
(d) Their boldness.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "The Negro Revolution - Why 1963," MLK states that the nation had come to count on the Negro to wait how?

2. When MLK's wife was refused the opportunity to speak to her husband after he was placed in jail, who did she call?

3. What was every volunteer in Birmingham required to sign?

4. When the Supreme Court modified its decision on school desegregation, what did it permit to corrupt its intent?

5. The first requirement of a volunteer's pledge was to do what daily?

(see the answer keys)

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