Why We Can't Wait Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Why We Can't Wait Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After MLK was stabbed in the department store, what hospital was he rushed to?
(a) North General Hospital.
(b) New York Presbyterian Hospital.
(c) Harlem Hospital.
(d) South End Hospital.

2. The Negro Revolution is described as generating quietly just like what?
(a) A river.
(b) An ocean wave.
(c) Lightning.
(d) An earthquake.

3. When MLK decided to still march and asked Ralph Abernathy to join him. The group that was gathered in the Gaston Motel joined hands and began to sing what song?
(a) Oh Freedom.
(b) We Shall Overcome.
(c) Climbing Jacob's Ladder.
(d) Amazing Grace.

4. When the crusade started marching from Zion Hill church, how far were they permitted to march?
(a) Seven or eight blocks.
(b) Eight or nine blocks.
(c) Nine or ten blocks.
(d) Six or seven blocks.

5. What did the city commissioners, including Bull Connor, refuse to do after the results of the run-off vote?
(a) Move out of their City Hall offices.
(b) Congratulate the winner.
(c) Acknowledge the people that voted for them.
(d) Embrace the newly elected Mayor.

6. What does MLK say the extremists were saying while the conservatives were saying, "let us not move so fast"?
(a) "Let us go out and fight until death."
(b) "Let us go out and stand tall in front of the white man."
(c) "Let us go out and whip the world."
(d) "Let us go out and take a stand against those who have wronged us."

7. When Negros went to work they would eat in separate places and use what things labeled "colored"?
(a) The water fountain and tables.
(b) The lunch counter and water fountain.
(c) The water fountain and lavatory.
(d) Tables and lavatory.

8. During the time of slavery, why would a Negro cook agree with their white owners instead of defending themselves?
(a) Because they would lose their job.
(b) Because they would not get to see their family.
(c) Because they would be sold to another owner.
(d) Because they wouldn't be able to live in the master's house.

9. What does the "C" stand for in the term, "Project C"?
(a) Confrontation.
(b) Compliance.
(c) Celebration.
(d) Comfort.

10. In the efforts of "Project C", what were the first targets?
(a) Lunch counters.
(b) Merchants.
(c) City hall.
(d) Public parks.

11. In "The Negro Revolution - Why 1963," MLK states that the nation had come to count on the Negro to suffer how?
(a) Silently.
(b) Easily.
(c) Mournfully.
(d) Secretively.

12. How many cities are mentioned to be in civil turmoil in the beginning of "The Negro Revolution-Why 1963"?
(a) Almost one thousand.
(b) Almost three hundred and fifty.
(c) Almost two hundred.
(d) Almost one thousand five hundred.

13. Who is the sightless singer that MLK mentions "held a commanding position in our ranks"?
(a) Willie Johnson.
(b) Mel Torme.
(c) Al Hibbler.
(d) Lemon Jefferson.

14. In "The Negro Revolution-Why 1963," MLK states that the Negro protesters were advised to call off their efforts and put all their energy into what?
(a) Finding a job.
(b) Collecting evidence of integration.
(c) Cleaning the streets.
(d) Registering voters.

15. Who said, "Those who act boldly are recognizing right as well as reality"?
(a) Lyndon B. Johnson.
(b) John F. Kennedy.
(c) Rosa Parks.
(d) Martin Luther King, Jr.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the person in Bull Connor's Birmingham that had been jailed several times and had had his home and church damaged by bombs?

2. What did governor George Wallace pledge to have forever in his inauguration vow?

3. After the first three days of the lunch counter sit-ins, how many arrests had there been?

4. How many volunteers from the Negro community were willing to join the ranks and go to jail in Birmingham?

5. What room number in the Gaston Motel did the planning committees meet in?

(see the answer keys)

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