Why We Can't Wait Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Why We Can't Wait Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Bull Connor's Birmingham.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. During the time of slavery, why would a Negro cook agree with their white owners instead of defending themselves?
(a) Because they would be sold to another owner.
(b) Because they would not get to see their family.
(c) Because they would lose their job.
(d) Because they wouldn't be able to live in the master's house.

2. The merchants that were a part of the Senior Citizens Committee that met with the campaign leaders went back on their agreement. What was the rumor for the reason of what the merchants did?
(a) That the Negros didn't follow through with their end of the agreement.
(b) They didn't like that not all the merchants followed the agreement so they didn't want to follow it either.
(c) That they didn't think it would matter and so they went back on their agreement.
(d) That Bull Conner had threatened some of the merchants.

3. What does MLK describe as the ultimate tragedy of Birmingham?
(a) The silence of the good people.
(b) The sinfulness of the bad people.
(c) The brutality of the bad people.
(d) The fear of the good people.

4. In "The Negro Revolution-Why 1963," what does MLK say the Negro had been deeply disappointed over?
(a) The complacency of the courts.
(b) The slow pace of school desegregation.
(c) The ignorance of the white leaders.
(d) The barring of Negros from eating at lunch counters.

5. Who was MLK's executive assistant?
(a) Wyatt Tee Walker.
(b) Albert Boutwell.
(c) Fred Shuttlesworth.
(d) Tom King.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Birmingham give up when they decided to close down the parks instead of having them integrated?

2. Nonviolent "soldiers" burnished their greatest weapons which consisted of their heart, their conscience, their courage and what other thing?

3. In "The Sword That Heals," MLK mentions that Negroes had to face the fact that in the South they have to move without what?

4. Who were the actual competing candidates for the run-off vote?

5. At the closing days of the Birmingham campaign, Negro children would run up to policemen asking them what?

(see the answer key)

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