Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race Test | Final Test - Easy

Reni Eddo-Lodge
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race Test | Final Test - Easy

Reni Eddo-Lodge
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the country of Zimbabwe formerly known as?
(a) Churchillia.
(b) Vendowe.
(c) Rhodesia.
(d) Leesburg.

2. Which columnist did Eddo-Lodge cite as having described refugees trying to travel to Britain as "cockroaches"?
(a) Katie Hokins.
(b) Nathan Lorat.
(c) Henry Lively.
(d) Sharon Porter.

3. Which book did Eddo-Lodge read lines from in her garden, thinking she might apply for a character's role in the upcoming casting of the film based on that book?
(a) Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire.
(b) Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban.
(c) Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone.
(d) Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix.

4. Which Black model spoke in favor of getting more models of color on the runways at Fashion Week in 2013?
(a) Naomi Campbell.
(b) Blythe Woodry.
(c) Ellis Wendry.
(d) Tyra Banks.

5. What did Griffin's political party, the BNP, have a statement on its website at one time arguing against?
(a) White people in Britain moving to other countries.
(b) Mixed-race relationships.
(c) White married people in Britain having less than five children per couple.
(d) Immigrants from Africa coming to America.

6. Who wrote Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches?
(a) Symone Hedley.
(b) Audre Lorde.
(c) Angela Davis.
(d) bell hooks.

7. What does Eddo-Lodge write was her "first love" in Part III?
(a) Climate change activism.
(b) Anti-racism.
(c) Feminism.
(d) Socialism.

8. What slogan did the Labour Party put on mugs during the 2015 general election in Britain?
(a) No Blacks, No Irish, No Dogs.
(b) Controls on Immigration.
(c) Down With The Cause.
(d) Britain First Forever.

9. What old excuse did the MP from Blackburn put forth in 2011 when talking about sexual assault perpetrated by men?
(a) The victims' statements were confused and conflicting.
(b) The victims were wearing suggestive clothing.
(c) The victims were intoxicated.
(d) Boys will be boys.

10. What percentage of respondents to a 2016 British Social Attitudes survey identify themselves as, according to Enno-Lodge?
(a) Educated class.
(b) Working class.
(c) Upper class.
(d) Middle class.

11. What advice did Griffin give Eddo-Lodge at the end of their interview?
(a) She should move somewhere else to have children, somewhere ideally connected to her heritage.
(b) She should get a job as a professor at Oxford.
(c) She should get a job in government.
(d) She should apply for a job at The Guardian newspaper.

12. What does tackling racism often have conversations moving to and from, according to Eddo-Lodge?
(a) From politics to personal matters.
(b) From justice to sensitivity.
(c) From law enforcement to economics.
(d) From economics to culture.

13. What does Eddo-Lodge think is one major danger in portraying misogyny as an import from other countries?
(a) It allows people to tell themselves it is not a native problem.
(b) It ignores that Black people are accused of misogyny more often than whites ones are.
(c) It makes it easier for people to leave the country.
(d) It ignores all the previous research on the subject.

14. When did David Cameron "finally utter the words 'patriarchal society,'" according to Eddo-Lodge?
(a) 2010.
(b) 2016.
(c) 2012.
(d) 2013.

15. What did the white feminist distaste for intersectionality evolve into during the 2010s, according to Eddo-Lodge?
(a) A hatred of the idea of white privilege.
(b) An uneasy alliance with the conservative agenda.
(c) A spurning of all feminism.
(d) A willingness to take a harder look at Britain's history of racism.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Eddo-Lodge argue that Black feminism was reduced to partially due to the backlash over the idea of intersectionality?

2. Whose research did Griffin cite as proof that whites would soon become an ethnic minority in Britain in his interview with Eddo-Lodge?

3. What does Eddo-Lodge write that being a feminist with a race analysis means for her?

4. Where did Eddo-Lodge initially propose as a site for her interview with Nick Griffin?

5. What movement to bring down a statue at a significant British educational institution began in 2015?

(see the answer keys)

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