Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Reni Eddo-Lodge
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Reni Eddo-Lodge
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Eddo-Lodge say she herself is also an insider as well as an outsider in the system?
(a) She is university-educated, able-bodied, and she speaks and writes in ways similar to those she chooses to criticize.
(b) She has worked in government jobs before.
(c) She is from a wealthy family.
(d) She has traveled extensively.

2. Which magazine published an editorial on the rise of mixed-race Britain in 2014?
(a) The Economist.
(b) The Evening Herald.
(c) The Statesman.
(d) The Guardian.

3. Which actor spoke about the lack of historical British films about Black people when speaking to Radio Times?
(a) Chadwick Boseman.
(b) David Oyelowo.
(c) Idris Elba.
(d) Lenny Henderson.

4. What organization did Dr. Harold Moody form in 1931 in England?
(a) The Gentry Club.
(b) The Keys and Skulls.
(c) The Marshall Note.
(d) The League of Colored Peoples.

5. In 1982, where did John Fernandes work?
(a) The Brixton Police Department.
(b) Herrod's Department Store.
(c) Oxford University.
(d) Kilburn Polytechnic.

6. Who is one white person Eddo-Lodge identifies as thinking about race as much as Eddo-Lodge herself does?
(a) Arianna Randall.
(b) Jennifer Krase.
(c) Caitlin Marks.
(d) Roberta Huffington.

7. In Part II, what does Eddo-Lodge conclude that seeing race is essential to in relation to racism?
(a) Changing the system.
(b) Getting more support for one's goals.
(c) Understanding the true extent of the problem.
(d) Enacting positive discrimination measures.

8. What kind of group or place do some people seek to be able to talk about living under the weight of racism with like-minded people?
(a) A roundtable.
(b) A safe space.
(c) A university debate.
(d) A church discussion.

9. Which academic did Eddo-Lodge interview in 2014 on the subject of so-called color-blindness?
(a) Dr. Kimberle Crenshaw.
(b) Dr. Helena Henderson.
(c) Dr. Jelovic Nordon.
(d) Dr. Richard Breeze.

10. When did Britain begin trading in African slaves?
(a) 1783.
(b) 1562.
(c) 1607.
(d) 1590.

11. Who was the judge who served the sentence in the murder trial of Stephen Lawrence?
(a) Judge Mr. Justice Treacy.
(b) Judge Mr. Justice Windsor.
(c) Judge Mr. Justice Windham.
(d) Judge Mr. Justice Eton.

12. Who wrote that "Safe spaces is a direct corollary of the rise of identity politics" in the Guardian?
(a) Lord Quigley Hawley.
(b) Ian Dunt.
(c) Charles Lorley.
(d) Katie Brooks.

13. Which ethnic group of people in the U.K. are the most at risk to be admitted to psychiatric hospitals under the compulsory powers of the Mental Health Act, according to a 2003 NHS England report?
(a) Asian people.
(b) White people.
(c) Indian people.
(d) African and African Caribbean people.

14. What legal requirement in the U.K. adoption process did David Cameron remove in 2012?
(a) For local authorities to consider a child's racial, cultural and linguistic background during the adoption process.
(b) For adoptions to only be allowed to parents living in major U.K. cities.
(c) For adoptions to only be allowed to married, heterosexual couples.
(d) For prospective parents to have a certain income threshold.

15. In the 1980s, which political party did Britain's settled Black and brown people mostly belong to?
(a) Labour.
(b) Torys.
(c) Conservative.
(d) Whigs.

Short Answer Questions

1. What city in Wales was the site of race riots on June 6, 1919?

2. What was Britain's first race-relations act, The Race Relations Act, passed?

3. When did Eddo-Lodge begin to think about Black British history?

4. What prompted the Brixton riots in 1981?

5. Who was Stephen Lawrence with when he was stabbed to death in 1993?

(see the answer keys)

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