Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Reni Eddo-Lodge
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Reni Eddo-Lodge
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part IV: Chapter 5- Chapter 6 (Pages 161 - 206).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whose initial idea was a Black History Month in Britain?
(a) Betrand Rimmel.
(b) Ansel Wong.
(c) Marshall Hayes.
(d) Micheline Rodin.

2. Which ethnic group of people in the U.K. are the most at risk to be admitted to psychiatric hospitals under the compulsory powers of the Mental Health Act, according to a 2003 NHS England report?
(a) Indian people.
(b) Asian people.
(c) African and African Caribbean people.
(d) White people.

3. Why did the nearly 500 people from the Caribbean come to Britain in 1948 on the Windrush ship?
(a) To become priests and other faith leaders.
(b) To fill work shortages created by WWII.
(c) To go to university and then return to their countries.
(d) To work as indentured servants to the government, the modern form of slavery.

4. Which writer apologized for writing that a famous Black actor was too "street" to play James Bond?
(a) Corrine Riley.
(b) Don Leyrey.
(c) Henry Starkin.
(d) Anthony Horowitz.

5. What does Eddo-Lodge argue that critiques of racism should be subject to in Part III?
(a) Forums at universities.
(b) Defense from politicians.
(c) Protection under the law.
(d) The same passionate free speech defense as racist comments themselves.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Griffin's political party, the BNP, have a statement on its website at one time arguing against?

2. What movement to bring down a statue at a significant British educational institution began in 2015?

3. What percentage of the emergent service workers' class are people of color?

4. What was the name for Indian soldiers who served and fought for Britain during WWI?

5. When did the British high court welcome its first Black judge onto the court?

(see the answer key)

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