Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Reni Eddo-Lodge
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Reni Eddo-Lodge
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Why Im No Longer Talking to White People About Race Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part III: Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 (Pages 117 - 160).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which American sports organization announced measures to address the lack of Black managers in the sport in 2002?
(a) The National Hockey League.
(b) The National Football League.
(c) The National Basketball Association.
(d) The National Tennis League.

2. What significant educational institution in Britain was the focus of the 2015 movements to remove a statue of a historical figure there?
(a) The University of Nottingham.
(b) Oxford University.
(c) Trinity College.
(d) The University of London.

3. When was the Abolition of Slavery Act introduced in the British Empire?
(a) 1898.
(b) 1910.
(c) 1833.
(d) 1850.

4. Which Metropolitan Police Commissioner did Stephen Lawrence's family demand the resignation of in 1998?
(a) Maria Rindell.
(b) Catherine Baynard.
(c) Sir Richard Wright.
(d) Sir Paul Condon.

5. What program did Nick Griffin appear on during the Brexit campaign to make comments that Eddo-Lodge watched in disbelief?
(a) Newsnight.
(b) University Challenge.
(c) BBC's This Week Tonight.
(d) BBC's Question Time.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Jessica first begin to see her extended family's manifestations of racist attitudes?

2. What city did Martin Luther King Jr. write a famous letter from a jail cell in in 1963?

3. What does Eddo-Lodge write was her "first love" in Part III?

4. Whose initial idea was a Black History Month in Britain?

5. What were the group of young white men in the late 1950s who wore creeper shoes and shirts and who set upon the streets to assault Black people called?

(see the answer key)

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