Why I Don't Write Test | Final Test - Hard

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Why I Don't Write Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Why I Don't Write," what claim is implied by the list of female authors Jane Austen, Flannery O'Connor, and the Brontes?

2. In "Why I Don't Write," what claim is made about the impact of having children on female writers?

3. At the beginning of "While It Lasts," what object is George looking for?

4. In "While It Lasts," what does George do for a living?

5. In "While It Lasts," whose owns the apartment where the party is held?

Short Essay Questions

1. In "While It Lasts," why does Bonnie think that George is a particularly good match for her?

2. In "While It Lasts," what is Isabel's main complaint about Richard, and what does she think is the cause of the problem?

3. In "Café Mort," what does her experience at the café teach the narrator about being "lucky" in life?

4. At the end of "While It Lasts," what does Bonnie realize about her relationship?

5. In "Boston Common at Twilight," what television show does Ned secretly watch? Why does he enjoy it?

6. In "Café Mort," what does the narrator mean when, on page 89, she says "It's always an endless night"?

7. In "Boston Common at Twilight," why does Ned not try to get away or yell for help?

8. In "Why I Don't Write," what types of repetition are used in the page 69 paragraph "Cleaning out the closets. Cleaning out the drawers. Clearing out the basement," and what effect does the device create?

9. In "Boston Common at Twilight," what clues does Minot offer that the woman in the park might be biologically male?

10. In "Why I Don't Write," what is the rhetorical purpose of the images of people looking at their phones?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Write an essay in which you make and defend a claim about the significance of the setting in "Polepole." Use textual evidence to support your ideas; if you use outside sources, be sure to cite them in MLA format.

Essay Topic 2

Write an essay that makes and defends a claim about how the techniques of stream-of-consciousness and the catalog support the theme of "Why I Don't Write." Use specific textual evidence to support your ideas.

Essay Topic 3

Write an essay in which you consider the possible layers of meaning in the title of the story "The Torch." Obviously, the woman in the story is carrying a torch for "John." But who else in the story is carrying a torch? And why not call it "Infatuation," or something similar--what is symbolically important about fire? Consider these and any other elements of the title that you find significant. Support your ideas with evidence from the text.

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