Why I Don't Write Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Why I Don't Write Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Green Glass," what does Tom say Fran should do with her feelings?
(a) Talk to a psychiatrist.
(b) Talk to her girlfriends.
(c) Keep them to herself.
(d) Get over them.

2. In "Polepole," how does "the man's" servant react when he sees Daisy hiding by the door?
(a) He glares at Daisy as if he is angry at her.
(b) He does not react; he acts as if she is not there.
(c) He scolds "the man" in Swahili.
(d) He laughs and shakes a finger at Daisy.

3. In "Occupied," what does the phrase "the 99%" refer to (33)?
(a) Wealth distribution.
(b) Voter's rights.
(c) Lifespan.
(d) Military service.

4. In "Occupied," what are Ivy's friends referring to when they tell her "You don't want that" (40)?
(a) Her relationship with her lover.
(b) Her divorce.
(c) Her move out of New York.
(d) Her troublesome client.

5. In "Occupied," why does Ivy need to be home by 5:30?
(a) Her babysitter needs to leave then.
(b) She has a client coming over.
(c) She has dinner plans with her friends.
(d) Her ex-husband is coming to pick up their child.

Short Answer Questions

1. On page 31 of "Occupied," what event is alluded to in the sentence, "If you'd been in New York, you had your story"?

2. At the beginning of "Green Glass," what does Fran want to know about Tom's ex-girlfriend?

3. In "The Torch," what is the first question that the woman asks?

4. In "Occupied," what does Ivy think about the protest encampment when she first sees it?

5. In "Occupied," what cause did Ivy knock on doors for when she was younger?

Short Essay Questions

1. In "Occupied," how does Ivy feel about her friends' advice about Dexter?

2. On page 36 of "Occupied," what is meant by the assertion that "In her brain there was always a someone"?

3. In "Polepole," what meaning does Daisy assign to the look Cecily gives her at the end of the story?

4. In "Green Glass," what concern does Fran express about Tom's relationship with his ex, and how does Tom respond to her concerns?

5. In "Polepole," what symbolic significance is there in the sequence of events as Daisy and the man drive into his driveway and then enter his house?

6. In "Polepole," after the man tells Daisy that he "needs" to kiss her, she "felt the outline of herself begin to dissolve" (5). Why does the man have this effect on Daisy?

7. In "Occupied," where does Ivy stop on the way home from work, and why does she stop there?

8. In "Polepole," what is the significance of Bragg's wink when he leaves Daisy to talk with "the man"?

9. In "Occupied," what is the significance of the disinterested expressions on the faces of the protesters at the encampment?

10. On page 55 of "Green Glass," what does Fran mean when she says, "Men like to think women aren't sensitive, at convenient times"?

(see the answer keys)

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