Why I Don't Write Test | Final Test - Easy

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Why I Don't Write Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "While It Lasts," George is said to be "an expert at being flippant" (82). What does this mean George is good at?
(a) Deadpan, ironic humor.
(b) Shallow, disrespectful humor.
(c) Dark, bitter humor.
(d) Absurd, farcical humor.

2. In "Boston Common at Twilight," what does Ned like about staying with his aunt?
(a) The lack of rules.
(b) His uncle Rob's collection of sports memorabilia.
(c) She is the only one who will talk about his mother.
(d) The food and the television.

3. On page 66 of "Why I Don't Write," what is ironic about the diagnosis of the computer problem "Your system must be overloaded"?
(a) Unsolicited advice clearly bothers the narrator.
(b) The narrator does not have a computer.
(c) The narrator's computer is brand new.
(d) The advice applies to the narrator's life, as well.

4. On page 73 of "Why I Don't Write," the list of what "Bob Dylan says," ("He's all right" and "He's not all right") is an example of which technique?
(a) Oxymoron.
(b) Ambiguity.
(c) Paradox.
(d) Tautology.

5. In "Why I Don't Write," what is the likely source of items like "Sponge. Lemon. Milk" (66)?
(a) A column of cleaning advice.
(b) An inventory.
(c) A dream.
(d) A grocery list.

6. On page 108 of "Boston Common at Twilight," what causes Ned to feel "something hot and terrible rush through him"?
(a) The woman shows Ned the knife.
(b) The woman tells Ned that he will need to come back to her apartment.
(c) The woman grabs Ned's arm.
(d) He notices that the woman may be trying to disguise her biological sex.

7. In "Café Mort," why does one of the customers always refer to himself using plurals?
(a) He is mentally ill.
(b) He is a monarch.
(c) He is a twin.
(d) He is unaware that he is dead.

8. In "While It Lasts," what does Bonnie think is Isabel's problem with finding love?
(a) She thinks that Isabel is not serious enough about life.
(b) She thinks that Isabel's drinking turns men off.
(c) She thinks that Isabel might not actually be attracted to men.
(d) She thinks that Isabel's standards are too high.

9. In "While It Lasts," whose owns the apartment where the party is held?
(a) Isabel's stepmother.
(b) Froy.
(c) Richard's company.
(d) Mr. Buffy.

10. In "Why I Don't Write," which author does the narrator say stopped writing poetry at 21?
(a) Dylan.
(b) Dickenson.
(c) Beckett.
(d) Rimbaud.

11. In "Why I Don't Write," what claim is made about the impact of having children on female writers?
(a) It is an obstacle to their success.
(b) It deepens the emotion of their work.
(c) It makes them more creative.
(d) It focuses their writing too narrowly.

12. In "While It Lasts," what does Bonnie do for a living?
(a) She is a public defender.
(b) She is an interior designer.
(c) She is a teacher.
(d) She is a psychologist.

13. In "Boston Common at Twilight," how does Ned's brother react when Ned tells him about the assault?
(a) He calls the police and reports the crime.
(b) He says he will kill the perpetrator.
(c) He blames Ned for making bad choices.
(d) He forces Ned to tell their mother what happened.

14. In "Why I Don't Write," what is a logical antecedent for "one" in the sentence "He got another one, prettier, younger" (72)?
(a) Wife.
(b) Boss.
(c) Friend.
(d) Colleague.

15. In "While It Lasts," what does George compliment Isabel on?
(a) Her smile.
(b) Her wit.
(c) Her legs.
(d) Her voice.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Boston Common at Twilight," where is Ned's family home?

2. In "Boston Common at Twilight," what is Ned's reason for going to Boston Common?

3. In "While It Lasts," what does Bonnie find so compelling about George?

4. In "While It Lasts," who is hosting the dinner party?

5. In "Boston Common at Twilight," what temporarily makes Ned feel safer?

(see the answer keys)

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