Why I Don't Write Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Why I Don't Write Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 2: "Occupied" and "Green Glass".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "The Torch," where does the dying woman announce they will go on the following day?
(a) To a party.
(b) To the beach.
(c) Out dancing.
(d) To the movies.

2. In "The Torch," where did the husband first see the woman who would become his wife?
(a) The beach.
(b) At school.
(c) In the hospital.
(d) In church.

3. In "The Torch," who is the husband waiting for at the end of the story?
(a) His lover.
(b) The doctor.
(c) The coroner.
(d) Their daughter.

4. In "Polepole," when "the man" is trying to persuade Daisy to see him again, what does she wish he would stop saying?
(a) That he needs her.
(b) That she "owes" him.
(c) That she has nothing to lose.
(d) Her name.

5. In "Polepole," who is Babette?
(a) One of the children at "the man's" house.
(b) Daisy's colleague.
(c) Bragg's wife.
(d) A woman who runs an orphanage.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Polepole," what does Daisy notice on the ride home that she did not notice the evening before?

2. On page 8 of "Polepole," what does Daisy ask "the man" if he is worried about?

3. In "The Torch," the woman's arm is compared in a simile to what object?

4. On page 27 of "The Torch," what detail implies that the woman is dying?

5. In "Occupied," who is Henry?

(see the answer key)

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