Objects & Places from Why I Don't Write

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Objects & Places from Why I Don't Write

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Nairobi, Kenya

This place is the setting for the story "Polepole."


This place is a large slum in Kenya.

The Crack in the Jeep Windshield

This symbolic object in "Polepole" is shaped like a spiderweb.

The Beach

In "The Torch," this is where the dying woman remembers wanting to spend time with John.

The Occupy Encampment

This New York protest is the setting for most of the action of "Occupied."

Ivy's Bike

This object from "Occupied" is a reflection of its owner's carelessness with herself and the trajectory of her life.

Tom's Ex-Girlfriend's Dress

This object is the subject of a cruel remark at the wedding in "Green Glass."

George's Knapsack

This object is used by one of the main characters in "While It Lasts" to carry his work papers from place to place.

Café Mort

This setting is a restaurant that serves the dead.

Boston Common

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