Daily Lessons for Teaching Why I Don't Write

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Daily Lessons for Teaching Why I Don't Write

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Lesson 1 (from Section 1: "Polepole" and "The Torch")


Students will explore the cultural and historical background of European settlement in Kenya.

"Polepole" is set in a white community in Nairobi, Kenya. The story simmers with tensions over the presence of these Americans, Europeans, and European-descended Kenyans. This lesson is intended to orient students to the social and historical issues that create the story's atmosphere.


Viewing Activity: Show students the BBC News video "Kenya’s colonial inequalities continue, decades after independence" (available online).

Reading Activity: Distribute copies of Chris McGreal's "A lost world" and Patrick Gathara's "In Kenya, colonial statues came down. The problem was what replaced them" (both available online). Give students time to read.

Written Activity: We are about to read a short story set among the white Kenyan community. Summarize what you now know about Kenya's colonial past and how it continues to impact the country today. Then explain several possible...

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