Why Geography Matters: Three Challenges Facing America Test | Final Test - Easy

Harm de Blij
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Why Geography Matters: Three Challenges Facing America Test | Final Test - Easy

Harm de Blij
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What treaty, signed by Italy, France, West Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg in 1957, created the European Economic Community?
(a) The Treaty of Rome.
(b) The Treaty of Versailles.
(c) The Treaty of Brussels.
(d) The Treaty of Maastricht.

2. How do subsidizing American farmers hurt Africans?
(a) It does not give African farmers an incentive to work more efficiently.
(b) It takes away money that would otherwise be sent to Africa.
(c) It makes it harder for African farmers to get subsidies from other countries too.
(d) It makes it impossible for African farmers to compete in the global market.

3. Who was King Leopold II?
(a) The Belgian King who murdered 10 million Congolese.
(b) The leader of the Kenyan independence movement.
(c) The author of an important book on geography and Africa.
(d) The last leader of South Africa during apartheid.

4. What was the Marshall Plan?
(a) A plan for connecting all of Europe as one big country.
(b) A plan for defeating communism in Eastern Europe.
(c) A plan for Western European countries to be rebuilt with U.S. aid.
(d) A plan for European countries to agree never to go to war again.

5. How does de Blij think that the U.S. should react to terrorist attacks on airplanes?
(a) Resume normal operations as quickly as possible after an attack.
(b) Require all American passengers to carry passports with them at all times.
(c) Ground all planes and institute stricter security measures after each attack.
(d) Stop allowing people from other countries to enter the United States.

6. Why do many people argue that it is pointless to send foreign aid to Africa?
(a) Because Africa is too far away to affect the U.S.
(b) Because Africans do not need help from anyone.
(c) Because African governments are so corrupt.
(d) Because Africa's problems are too big for the U.S. to help with.

7. Why should Americans take a special interest in Africa?
(a) Because the United States needs immigrants from Africa.
(b) Because the African-American population has ancestral links to Africa.
(c) Because an African country may someday become a superpower.
(d) Because African countries need American foreign aid.

8. What does de Blij think is the greatest risk to stability in Africa?
(a) Corruption in government.
(b) The rise of Islamic extremism.
(c) Natural disasters such as droughts.
(d) Lack of infrastructure.

9. Who is Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab?
(a) The leader of the Iranian government.
(b) A conservative, extremist Muslim theologian.
(c) The founder of Islam.
(d) The leader of a terrorist movement targeting Americans.

10. How long has the European unification movement been underway?
(a) Since the break-up of the former Soviet Union.
(b) Since the end of World War I.
(c) Since the League of Nations was formed.
(d) Since the U.S. initiated the Marshall Plan in 1948.

11. What are China's current territorial claims based on?
(a) The boundaries of the Qing (Machu) Dynasty.
(b) The boundaries that China had at the time of the Cultural Revolution.
(c) The boundaries that China had after World War II.
(d) The boundaries that China had after World War I.

12. What organization binds the United States and Europe together?
(a) The European Economic Community.
(b) The North American Free Trade Agreement.
(c) The European Community.
(d) The North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

13. Who was Shamil Basayev?
(a) Russia's first president after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
(b) The leader of an organized crime gang.
(c) An Islamic cleric-teacher with a great deal of influence.
(d) A leader in the Chechen independence movement.

14. What river does de Blij refer to as the "Mississippi of West Africa"?
(a) The Niger.
(b) The Nile.
(c) The Limpopo.
(d) The Zambezi.

15. Why is sub-Saharan Africa so isolated?
(a) Sub-Saharan Africa has very extreme weather, with frequent storms.
(b) North African countries used to boycott South Africa becauseof apartheid.
(c) The Sahara makes it hard to travel between north and south Africa.
(d) The people of the north and south have different religious faiths.

Short Answer Questions

1. What other country supported the mujahideen in Afghanistan?

2. When did the Qing Dynasty collapse?

3. How have Chinese nationalists reacted to American foreign policy decisions?

4. What event contributed to the end of Mao's power in China?

5. Where does de Blij hope that a new, more liberal form of Islam will emerge?

(see the answer keys)

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