Why Don't You Dance? Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 51 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Why Don't You Dance? Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 51 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the first thing the boy plugs in when they stop in the man's driveway to look at the items?
(a) The portable heater.
(b) The record player.
(c) The blender.
(d) The TV.

2. What does the man have in his sack as he approaches the house?
(a) Sandwiches, beer, and whiskey.
(b) Whiskey, tequila, and vodka.
(c) Cigarretes, magazines, and vodka.
(d) Sandwiches, chips, and soup.

3. What does the man tell the girl it is "good" that she found when he arrives at the house?
(a) The record player.
(b) The couch.
(c) The TV.
(d) The bed.

4. What word does she use to describe what the people who set the items outside of the house must be?
(a) Impulsive.
(b) Broke.
(c) Desperate.
(d) Crazy.

5. What does the boy say about the pillow when the girl asks how it feels?
(a) Soft.
(b) Firm.
(c) It stinks.
(d) Old.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the reader know people in the neighborhood are watching the boy and the girl in the driveway alone?

2. From what material was the kitchen set made?

3. What word does both the man and the girl use to describe the bed when the man first arrives?

4. How much does the girl offer for the man after the man tells them how much he wanted?

5. What does the man take from his sack first when he arrives at the home to find the girl and boy?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did people react when they drove by and saw all of the man's things outside his house? What does the man realize he has in common with these people?

2. What is the boy's name? What is the girl asking the boy to do the one and only time his name is mentioned in the story?

3. Why do the boy and the girl need furniture?

4. Instead of seeing if anyone is home as he said he would, what does the boy do after the girl asked him to kiss her?

5. Aside from the bed, what items from the man's home are now outside of his house?

6. What is the first thing the girl does when they get out of their car and begin to look at the items?

7. What does the boy do when he first gets to the house and begins looking at the things?

8. Why is the boy hesitant to lay on the bed with the girl when she asks him?

9. What items does the boy tell the man they are interested in when the man first arrives?

10. Why does the boy pull over when he sees all of the things outside the man's house?

(see the answer keys)

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