Whose Body?: A Lord Peter Wimsey Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Whose Body?: A Lord Peter Wimsey Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whom does Freke ask to speak to after the proceedings in Chapter 6?
(a) Peter.
(b) Parker.
(c) Sugg.
(d) Mr. Thipps.

2. According to Parker's findings, how did the body get into the bathroom?
(a) Through the window via the roof.
(b) Through the window via a balcony.
(c) Through the door via the apartment.
(d) Through the window via a tree outside.

3. Where did the architect discover a body?
(a) In his cupboard.
(b) In his garden.
(c) In his bathtub.
(d) In his cellar.

4. Who has locked the bathroom door?
(a) The servant girl.
(b) Peter.
(c) The architect.
(d) The police inspector.

5. How old is Mr. Crimplesham?
(a) About eighty years old.
(b) About seventy years old.
(c) About sixty years old.
(d) About fifty years old.

6. What is the name of the girl who discovered the body?
(a) Gemma.
(b) Deliah.
(c) Molly.
(d) Gladys.

7. What does Gladys admit to doing on the night before the body appeared?
(a) Opening the window for air.
(b) Falling asleep early.
(c) Stepping out with her boyfriend.
(d) Letting a stranger use Thipps' telephone.

8. At what time did Thipps initially tell the police he came home?
(a) One o'clock.
(b) Eleven o'clock.
(c) Ten-thirty.
(d) Nine-thirty.

9. What is the occupation of the man Levy's wife's family wanted her to marry?
(a) He is a professor.
(b) He is a lawyer.
(c) He is a politician.
(d) He is a surgeon.

10. Who telephones Parker in Chapter 5?
(a) Milligan.
(b) Peter.
(c) The Dowager.
(d) Bunter.

11. According to Freddy, "Yankee blighter" John P. Milligan is representing_____________.
(a) The railway.
(b) The farmers.
(c) The shipyards.
(d) The power company.

12. Where does the police inspector emerge from as Peter leaves the architect's residence?
(a) A police car.
(b) An ambulance.
(c) A neighbor's house.
(d) A telephone booth.

13. How do the investigators know the dead man had lost his employment?
(a) He looks underfed.
(b) His calluses are softening.
(c) He has bags under his eyes.
(d) His fingernails are long.

14. Why does Crimplesham send a letter to Peter?
(a) To retrieve inside information about the investigation.
(b) It is in reply to an ad Peter put in the newspaper.
(c) To seek the acquaintance of Peter's mother.
(d) To request Peter's investigative services.

15. How does Bunter describe the woman who calls in Chapter 3?
(a) As quite rude.
(b) As quite depressed.
(c) As quite deaf.
(d) As quite loud.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens when Peter starts to question Crimplesham in Chapter 5?

2. Based on evidence, what work did the dead man do?

3. Which of the following is NOT evidence Peter, Parker, and Bunter find at Levy's house in Chapter 4?

4. What is the architect which the caller tells Peter about in Chapter 1 working on?

5. Who is Mrs. Munns?

(see the answer keys)

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