Who's Looking Out For You? Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Bill O'Reilly (commentator)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Who's Looking Out For You? Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Bill O'Reilly (commentator)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Bill O'Reilly describe himself politically?
(a) Republican.
(b) Democrat.
(c) Independent.
(d) Both a Republican and a Democrat.

2. What is the new "spirit of selfishness"?
(a) Invasive policies.
(b) Income redistribution.
(c) Entitlement spending.
(d) Government expansion.

3. Which one of the following is not one of the reasonable guidelines that parents should have?
(a) Limiting media influences.
(b) Showing the value of education.
(c) Earning a high income.
(d) Always being available.

4. How does Bill find the country compared to the way it was a hundred years ago?
(a) It is hardly recognizable.
(b) It is very similar.
(c) It is mostly similar.
(d) It is similar, but some parts have changed.

5. Based on estimation, what percentage of mothers who have children in their teens will be poor for the rest of their lives?
(a) All.
(b) One quarter.
(c) Three quarters.
(d) Half.

6. How did Congressman Torricelli's scandalizing of the CIA hurt the country?
(a) It caused other countries to dislike us.
(b) It caused external anti-terrorism intelligence to stop.
(c) It caused a massive amount of spending for the CIA trial.
(d) It caused internal anti-terrorism intelligence to stop.

7. Where does Bill think the television and Internet access should be in a house with children?
(a) In the family room.
(b) In the garage.
(c) In each child's room.
(d) In only the oldest child's room.

8. When Who's Looking Out for You? was written, how many unaccountable illegal aliens were estimated to be in the country?
(a) Five million.
(b) Under four million.
(c) Three million.
(d) Over eight million.

9. What is the example Bill gives in Chapter 2 to illustrate the importance of trust in a friendship?
(a) A person who was constantly afraid that a friend of theirs would take advantage of them.
(b) A person who tried to take advantage of him.
(c) A person who was taken advantage of by someone he considered a friend.
(d) A person who tried to take advantage of a friend of his.

10. Which one of the following is not an example of a liberal newspaper?
(a) The Los Angeles Times.
(b) The Boston Globe.
(c) The Wall Street Journal.
(d) The New York Times.

11. According to the conclusion of Chapter 2, what is one of the best things in life?
(a) Finding a real group of friends.
(b) Finding a unique group of friends.
(c) Finding a small group of friends.
(d) Finding a large group of friends.

12. Which organization did Bill take issue with after they did not get money raised in a 9/11 fundraiser?
(a) Firefighters Charitable Foundation.
(b) Foundation for American Veterans.
(c) The Red Cross.
(d) The United Way.

13. What is the difference in the budget for the "Big Dig" highway and the actual cost of it?
(a) It was budgeted at $8.4 billion and cost over $14 billion.
(b) It was budgeted at $7.8 billion and cost over $12 billion.
(c) It was budgeted at $5.6 billion and cost over $10 billion.
(d) It was budgeted at $2.6 billion and cost over $15 billion.

14. What suggestion does Bill make in evaluating friends?
(a) Listen to how they talk about other people.
(b) Watch how they treat themselves.
(c) Listen to how they talk about themselves.
(d) Watch how they treat other people.

15. According to Bill, how should journalists approach the news in current times?
(a) They should be watchful of government, but not angry.
(b) They should be hesitant to report any corruption in government.
(c) They should be careful not to offend anyone in the government when reporting corruption.
(d) They should be angry about the corruption and lies in government.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Bill state is the hardest part of looking back at bad parents?

2. What did the animosity between Clinton and FBI Director, Louis Freeh, cause?

3. How has student morality been affected by the increase of secularism?

4. How did Bill's father handle situations?

5. What was the original intent of the Founders of the Constitution, pertaining to religion?

(see the answer keys)

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