Who Wrote the New Testament?: The Making of the Christian Myth Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Burton L. Mack
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Who Wrote the New Testament?: The Making of the Christian Myth Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Burton L. Mack
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Who Wrote the New Testament?: The Making of the Christian Myth Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happened at Corinth that made Paul nervous?
(a) The congregation became a place for worship of other deities.
(b) The congregation became a place for criminals.
(c) The congregation became a place for extravagant displays of spiritual behavior.
(d) The congregation became a place for lies and treachery.

2. Who were the super apostles at Corinth?
(a) The Pillars of Jerusalem.
(b) Disciples of Paul.
(c) Hebrews and Israelites.
(d) Jews and Protestants.

3. What did Paul's argument do to Jews and Christians?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Made the two into one religion.
(c) Put the two together in brotherhood.
(d) Set Jews in opposition to Christians.

4. What does the passage in Romans 3:21-26 say about why Jesus' death was effective?
(a) Because he was the son of God.
(b) Because he was a sinner.
(c) Because he was justified.
(d) Because he was faithful.

5. What role did women play in associations?
(a) Women played the role of caretaker to the association.
(b) Women played a role supportive to the men.
(c) Women played no role in associations.
(d) Women served as members, patrons, and leaders.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Rome place its power in the second and first centuries?

2. Why did Paul tone down his views of the freedom of Christians?

3. What does Mack compare the Pronouncement Stories to in Chapter 2?

4. What is the myth of Jesus' death and resurrection rooted in, according to Mack?

5. What does Mack claim the Jews had done since the time of David and Solomon?

Short Essay Questions

1. What were some of the problems exporting the Athens model of society?

2. What did Paul mean by "freedom from the law", according to Mack?

3. What were the three exegetical novelties Paul came up with that had a lasting effect on Christianity?

4. What are the three features of the text that indicate the Christ myth is based on the martyr myths?

5. What are the four features of the Christ myth Mack claims are a result of the involvement of God?

6. Explain what was meant by Jesus in referring to his body as the bread, and his blood as the wine.

7. Explain why social tension began to mount within the new mixed society of Greco-Roman times, and how these groups tried to keep their culture.

8. How did Paul link Christianity to the Greek concept of self control?

9. What myths did the concept of the death and resurrection of Christ draw upon?

10. Explain Mack's view of how the writings of the New Testament were chosen, and why these choices created centrist Christianity.

(see the answer keys)

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