Who Wrote the Bible? Test | Final Test - Easy

Richard Elliott Friedman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Who Wrote the Bible? Test | Final Test - Easy

Richard Elliott Friedman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Friedman's theory, when does that place Author P in time?
(a) during the time of the exile.
(b) during the time of the conquest of Canaan.
(c) during the time of King David.
(d) during the time of the first Temple.

2. What is Author P's interpretation of God?
(a) a gracious and merciful God.
(b) a dispassionate and just deity.
(c) a diety modelled after the pagan gods.
(d) a mysterious and capricious God.

3. What does Friedman suggest is the only good news about the exile?
(a) that it only lasted fifty years.
(b) that the Jews became wealthy in Babylon and Egypt.
(c) that they missed a famine in Israel.
(d) that it educated the brightest young people.

4. Why did it take hundreds of years for anyone to suspect there was more than one writer involved in the written Torah?
(a) because no one studied it carefully.
(b) because the combination was done so artfully.
(c) because no one thought to questions the contradictions.
(d) because there was no archelogical evidence.

5. With what did Ezra return to Judah?
(a) a blueprint of the Temple.
(b) an army of 10,000 men.
(c) a copy of the Torah that is in modern usage.
(d) a new revelation from God.

6. What is an argument against the time of the second Temple for author P?
(a) he never writes about the worship in the Temple.
(b) he talks exclusively about the first Temple.
(c) he never mentions the Tabernacle.
(d) he never mentions the Temple as having any importance.

7. Why does Friedman say that insertions were necessary in Deuteronomy?
(a) to broaden the story about the role of priests.
(b) to pave the way for a new covenant.
(c) to deny the history of the Jews.
(d) to prepare the readers for the new ending.

8. How does Friedman see Julius Wellhausen's summary of the second Temple theory for Author P?
(a) it was logical, coherent, persuasive--and wrong.
(b) it was logical but ignored major evidence.
(c) it did not hold together logically.
(d) it was illogical, poorly put together, and confusing.

9. How does this change in the writing affect the Davidic Covenant?
(a) it makes it null and void.
(b) it provides a way for it to return on earth.
(c) it opens the way for a messiah.
(d) it changes the Covenant completely.

10. Why did writer P not include sacrificial animals in his account of Noah's ark?
(a) Aaron was not yet the high priest.
(b) he is not interested in what happened after the flood.
(c) he was satisfied with J and E in their accounts.
(d) it is not a sacrifice if there are other animals remaining.

11. Which group of priests do the writers J and P favor?
(a) the Levites in general.
(b) the Aaronid family of priests.
(c) the Davidic family of priests.
(d) the direct descendants of Moses.

12. Why is the period 587-400 B.C. difficult to understand?
(a) there is little or no archeological evidence about the exile.
(b) no writing was done at that time.
(c) Egyptians and Babylonians did not keep records.
(d) secular history glosses over that period.

13. What does Friedman speculate held the exiled Jews together?
(a) the smuggled copies of the Torah.
(b) the resistance they put up.
(c) the blood relationship among them.
(d) the nature of the Jewish religion.

14. Why does Friedman conclude that P was written during King Hezekiah's reign?
(a) the fact that P favors dispersed sacrificial centers.
(b) the fact that P puts its emphasis on centralized religion.
(c) the fact that P dates himself in his writing.
(d) the fact that P reveres the Mosiac priesthood.

15. How is Baruch mentioned in the book of Jeremiah?
(a) as a replacement for Jeremiah.
(b) as a brother of Jeremiah.
(c) as writing for Jeremiah.
(d) as a teacher of Jeremiah.

Short Answer Questions

1. From where does Friedman speculate the laws came from in the writings of Author P?

2. Who had been a Levite priest of Anathoth and had never done sacrifices?

3. From where do the priests of the northern kingdom trace their ancestry?

4. Which King of Judah is given credit for leading the people to worship false gods?

5. What is the third part assumption of the pious fraud?

(see the answer keys)

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