Who Wrote the Bible? Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Richard Elliott Friedman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Who Wrote the Bible? Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Richard Elliott Friedman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 9 A Brilliant Mistake.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Going beyond the two writer theory, what have some scholars suggested?
(a) six distinct writing styles.
(b) editing by the high priest.
(c) writing by whole groups of people.
(d) insertions made at a much later date.

2. Who does the evidence point to as the writer of Deuteronomy?
(a) a Levite of Shiloh.
(b) a Mosaic priest of Jerusalem.
(c) a non-priestly prophet.
(d) an Aaronid of Hebron.

3. What is Friedman's conclusion regarding Author E?
(a) that E copied Author J's writings.
(b) that he is an Israelite Levite.
(c) that he is related to Jeroboam.
(d) that E is a woman.

4. When did the early scholars consider that Author D wrote?
(a) during the time of the fall of Israel.
(b) during the time of King Hezakiah.
(c) during the conquest of Canaan.
(d) during King Josiah's time.

5. Why does Author E's writing about God's commandment cast doubt on the golden cherubs of Judah?
(a) it condemns plating with gold a carved image.
(b) it condemns making of images to worship.
(c) it praises only cast gold like the northern calves.
(d) it omits the commandment about carved images.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Friedman suggest the combination of the two writers symbolizes?

2. In their arguments, how do Graf and others who argue for Author P during the second Temple see the Tabernacle?

3. At what point does E switch from using El or Elohim in reference to God?

4. What does Jeremiah mention in his writing that none of the other prophets mention?

5. To determine if insertions have been made in a text, two or more of what elements must be present?

(see the answer key)

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