Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What does Gran give to Abby and Ben when they have upset stomachs?
(a) Lemon water.
(b) Licorice tea.
(c) Mint tea.
(d) Ginger tea.
2. What part of the black hen is injured after she is revived?
(a) Her feet.
(b) Her wings.
(c) Her tail.
(d) Her neck.
3. What does the agent give Dick when he leaves the carriage?
(a) A gold coin.
(b) A pair of shoes.
(c) A penny.
(d) A coat.
4. What does the rooster find by kicking away straw and dung?
(a) Snails.
(b) New grass and weeds.
(c) Worms.
(d) Roots.
5. How does the Old One react when three young rats laugh at Whittington?
(a) He hits them.
(b) He smiles but tries to hide it.
(c) He laughs with them.
(d) He frowns and growls at them.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who has a fall in the snow?
2. Why does the Lady think that people shouldn't look down while listening to a story?
3. What is the name of the captain's ship?
4. Where does Dick Whittington's cat put his killed rats while aboard ship?
5. What was Dick Whittington's profession?
Short Essay Questions
1. How does the black hen act when Bernie examines her?
2. What is the dream Dick Whittington has about London?
3. How was Whittington separated from his boy?
4. What does Whittington the cat look like?
5. What does Dick ask for, in addition to the king's initial offer, in exchange for his cat?
6. What does the man who sells Dick Whittington his cat look like?
7. How does Lady stay safe from the rats?
8. What kind of reputation does Dick get at the London docks?
9. How do the flock of birds in the cornfield react when the Lady and Whittington go to investigate them?
10. How does the captain react to Dick Whittington's cat?
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