White Teeth Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

White Teeth Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What medication does Samad become addicted to?
(a) Cocaine.
(b) Laudanum.
(c) Heroin.
(d) Powdered morphine.

2. What are the names of the two poker tables at O'Connell's?
(a) Amateur and Professional.
(b) Black and White.
(c) Stud and Draw.
(d) Life and Death.

3. What is Millat's group of friends called?
(a) Bidayos.
(b) Raggastanis.
(c) Somokamis.
(d) Acidheads.

4. What was Samad's job on the tank?
(a) Radio operator.
(b) Gunner.
(c) Driver.
(d) Assistant driver.

5. What does Samad insist on retrieving from the house before they head to the Jones'?
(a) Their passports.
(b) A blanket made by his mother.
(c) The Qur'an.
(d) Magid's photograph.

6. What did Archie wear for the wedding?
(a) A navy blue suit.
(b) A tuxedo.
(c) A bright Hawaiian shirt and khakis.
(d) A mohair suit and a turtleneck.

7. During the hurricane, what is hurled against the Iqbals' house?
(a) The car.
(b) Their neighbor's door.
(c) A lawnmower.
(d) Their shed.

8. What is Clara Bowden's one imperfection?
(a) She has a large birthmark on her arm.
(b) Her hair has gone prematurely gray.
(c) She has a squeaky, irritating voice.
(d) She has no upper teeth.

9. Where does Ryan spend New Year's Eve?
(a) With his family at home.
(b) In Trafalgar Square with his friends.
(c) With Clara's parents in their apartment.
(d) At a party with Clara.

10. What do the children take with them when they leave Mr. Hamilton's?
(a) An army medal.
(b) His tea biscuits.
(c) Their apples.
(d) A puppy.

11. Where did Samad and Archie meet?
(a) At a local pub.
(b) In the army.
(c) As children.
(d) In college.

12. What kind of music does Poppy want the orchestra to try?
(a) Rock n' roll.
(b) African music.
(c) Indian music.
(d) Country-western.

13. Who leads Samad to the book by A.S. Misra?
(a) Alsana.
(b) Archie.
(c) Magid.
(d) His nephew.

14. What do the children say when they rub their palms against one another's foreheads?
(a) "Smarty-pants."
(b) "Stupid."
(c) "Silly."
(d) "Shame."

15. What do the Jones and Iqbal families watch on November 10, 1989?
(a) "The Krypton Factor."
(b) The tearing down of the Berlin Wall.
(c) "Last of the Summer Wine."
(d) A football match.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Clara actually meet Ryan?

2. On what does Samad blame all of his problems?

3. What is in the photo of Magid that he sends home to his parents?

4. What is Ryan wearing that shocks Clara?

5. Which of these things is not burned in the Iqbals' yard?

(see the answer keys)

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