White Teacher Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Vivian Paley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

White Teacher Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Vivian Paley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Mrs. Paley limit the disruptive boy to from doing in Chapter 5?
(a) The number of times he could use foul language.
(b) The number of times he could speak.
(c) The number of times he could answer a question.
(d) The number of times he could go to the bathroom.

2. What does "White Teacher" approach in its content?
(a) Equality.
(b) To find the apporpriate approach in dealing with white and black students.
(c) The Civil Rights.
(d) How to discipline.

3. What did Mrs. Paley try after the incident with the young boy in Chapter 4?
(a) An old technique.
(b) Playtime.
(c) Nothing.
(d) A new technique.

4. What was Mrs. Paley's plan to try after the incident in Chapter 4 with the young boy?
(a) Ignoring the good behavior.
(b) Ignoring the bad behavior.
(c) Praising the good behavior and ignoring the poor behavior.
(d) Praising the poor behavior.

5. Where dis Mrs. Paley eventually place the disruptive boy in Chapter 4?
(a) Time out corner.
(b) By the trashcan.
(c) Time out chair.
(d) The hallway.

6. Who did Mrs. Paley first have a conversation with in Chapter 3 about her new job?
(a) Her husband.
(b) Her boss.
(c) Her sister.
(d) Her mom.

7. What age did Mrs. Paley teach?
(a) First.
(b) Kindergarten.
(c) Fourth.
(d) Second.

8. What happened to Mrs. Paley when she moved back to Chicago?
(a) She had her first black boss.
(b) She had her first all black class.
(c) She had her first black student.
(d) She had her first mixed class.

9. Who came to work with Mrs. Paley in Chapter 9?
(a) Janet Albright.
(b) Janey Albritton.
(c) JJ.
(d) Janice Alright.

10. Who was the smartest girl in the class in Chapter 7?
(a) Mary Anne.
(b) Sylvia.
(c) Arlene.
(d) Claire.

11. What did Mrs. Paley's action of ignoring racial differences do according to the conversation with the second person in Chapter 3?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Advocated racism.
(c) Created racism.
(d) Robbed her of what made her special.

12. What experiences did Mrs. Paley draw from her own life to relate to her job's issues?
(a) Being a racist.
(b) Being an only child.
(c) Being a Jewish child.
(d) Being ugly.

13. Who did Mrs. Paley go to for advice in Chapter 2?
(a) Her husband.
(b) Her mom.
(c) Her boss.
(d) Her colleagues.

14. What did Mrs. Paley learn was the best way to deal with racial issues in her classroom?
(a) Courageously.
(b) Integrity.
(c) Honesty.
(d) Deceit.

15. What did Mrs. Paley's actions encourage for her students to do in Chapter 5?
(a) To play nice.
(b) To discuss racial issues.
(c) To explore their artistic side.
(d) To see each other as equal.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Mrs. Paley desire in her new job?

2. What did Mrs. Paley take a closer look at in relationship to ethnic speech?

3. What would Barbara ask everyone in the class?

4. What did the person Mrs. Paley was with ask her in the preface?

5. Who did Mrs. Paley have a conversation with at the end of Chapter 3?

(see the answer keys)

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