White Oleander Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Janet Fitch
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

White Oleander Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Janet Fitch
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What type of list does Ingrid send Astrid from prison while she's living with Starr?
(a) Music list.
(b) List of inmates.
(c) Movie list.
(d) Reading list.

2. How many of Starr's children are biologically hers?
(a) 2.
(b) 1.
(c) 0.
(d) 3.

3. How old is Astrid when the novel begins?
(a) 8.
(b) 10.
(c) 15.
(d) 12.

4. What does Astrid find under Claire and Ron's bed?
(a) A stuffed animal.
(b) A yearbook.
(c) A box.
(d) Pictures of another woman.

5. Which characters are against Astrid's baptism?
(a) Ray and Ingrid.
(b) Starr and Ingrid.
(c) Carolee and Ray.
(d) Ray and Davey.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Ingrid work?

2. Where does Ingrid follow Barry the night he grabs her and tells her to leave?

3. According to Marvel's neighbor, what kind of girls have an advantage in the world?

4. What is the name of Astrid's biological father?

5. What role does Astrid hate the most at her second foster home?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Astrid learn by reading Ingrid's journals?

2. Describe the relationship between Claire and Astrid.

3. Describe Astrid's third foster home, where she lives with Amelia.

4. How does Ingrid's poem, "For Astrid, Who Will Live After All," hurt Astrid?

5. Describe the power of books in Astrid's life.

6. Why does Ingrid change so much after she meets and begins dating Barry?

7. Describe the Christmas that Astrid spends with Ed and Marvel.

8. How does Astrid feel about her biological father? What does she know about him when she lives with Starr?

9. How is Astrid helpless when she lives with Amelia?

10. What does Astrid think about when she is in the hospital after getting shot?

(see the answer keys)

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